magnetic basement
Смотреть что такое "magnetic basement" в других словарях:
магнитный фундамент — Поверхность коренных пород, характеризующихся высокой магнитной восприимчивостью относительно осадочных пород [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN magnetic basement … Справочник технического переводчика
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc — The Izu Bonin Mariana (IBM) arc system is an outstanding example of a plate tectonic convergent boundary. IBM extends over 2800 km south from near Tokyo, Japan, to beyond Guam, and includes the Izu Islands. Bonin Islands, and Mariana Islands;… … Wikipedia
Slave craton — which is one of the oldest dated rock units on Earth at 4.03 Ga. The crust of the Slave craton is thought to have amalgamated during a 2.69 Ga collision between a proto Slave western basement complex, known as the Central Slave Basement Complex,… … Wikipedia
Rockdelux — Logo de Rockdelux. Rockdelux est une revue musicale espagnole, spécialisée dans l étude des nouvelles tendances du pop rock alternatif et indépendant et de la musique électronique. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Geology of Tasmania — Tasmania has a varied geological history, with the world s biggest exposure of diabase, or dolerite. Rocks from the Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic time periods appear. It is one of the few southern hemisphere areas glaciated during the… … Wikipedia
Wyoming craton — [ North American craton, also called Laurentia.] The Wyoming craton is located in the west central United States more specifically, in Montana, Wyoming, and parts of northern Utah. Also called the Wyoming province, it is the initial core of the… … Wikipedia
rock — rock1 rockless, adj. rocklike, adj. /rok/, n. 1. a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like. 2. Geol. a. mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable… … Universalium
Rock — /rok/, n. a male given name. * * * I In geology, a naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of minerals. The three major classes of rock igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are based on the processes that formed them. These three classes are… … Universalium
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
renal system — ▪ anatomy Introduction in humans (human body), organ system that includes the kidneys, where urine is produced, and the ureters, bladder, and urethra for the passage, storage, and voiding of urine. In many respects the human excretory, or… … Universalium
Geology of the Australian Capital Territory — Australia grew around three fused pieces of very ancient continental crust (cratons). The geology of the Australian Capital Territory includes rocks dating from the Ordovician around 480 million years ago, whilst most rocks are from the Silurian … Wikipedia