mag wheel

mag wheel
(американизм) колесо автомобиля со щегольским хромированным ободком (без колпака)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mag wheel" в других словарях:

  • mag wheel — or mag n. a shiny, lightweight motor vehicle wheel having an attractive, symmetrical pattern of holes or spokes around the hub …   English World dictionary

  • mag wheel — Auto. a wheel containing magnesium or aluminum generally alloyed with steel, which makes it lighter in weight and shinier than an ordinary steel wheel: used esp. on racing cars and sports cars. [1965 70; mag, by shortening of MAGNESIUM] * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mag wheel — Auto. a wheel containing magnesium or aluminum generally alloyed with steel, which makes it lighter in weight and shinier than an ordinary steel wheel: used esp. on racing cars and sports cars. [1965 70; mag, by shortening of MAGNESIUM] * * * …   Universalium

  • mag wheel — /ˈmæg wil / (say mag weel) noun Colloquial a magnesium alloy wheel used for its lightness on some motor cars …  

  • mag wheel — Lightweight, sporty wheels made of magnesium. The term mag is often applied to aluminum and aluminum and steel combination wheels. Also see alloy wheels …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • mag wheel — noun a) (originally late 50s, and into the sixties) A slang term for racing wheels, (for an automobile) which were then made from magnesium alloy b) Later, although magnesium wheels were phased out for safety reasons, the term had gained… …   Wiktionary

  • mag wheel — noun N. Amer. a motor vehicle wheel made from lightweight magnesium steel, typically with a pattern of holes or spokes around the hub …   English new terms dictionary

  • mag — mag1 [mag] n. short for 1. MAGNETO 2. Slang MAGAZINE (n. 5) 3. MAG WHEEL mag2 abbrev. 1. magazine …   English World dictionary

  • wheel — A circular device, thin in relation to its face area, usually able to rotate about a central axle or pivot, with a durable but elastic rim or with regular teeth cut on the rim and for lightness often supported by spokes joined to the hub instead… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • mag — car wheel made of magnesium alloy, 1969. As an abbreviation of magazine, it dates from 1801 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Mag Mell — In Irish mythology, Mag Mell (modern spelling: Magh Meall, meaning plain of joy ) was a mythical realm achievable through death and/or glory (see also Valhalla in Norse mythology, Tír na nÓg also from Irish mythology and Avalon in Arthurian… …   Wikipedia

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