
спец. макромир, непосредственно ощущаемый мир (специальное) макромир, непосредственно ощущаемый мир

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "macroworld" в других словарях:

  • macroworld — noun ˈmækɹoʊwɝld A world or reality on a larger scale, thus for example the social scale when discussing individual affairs, or the human scale when discussing particle physics. Perhaps there is indeterminacy in the macroworld, but quantum theory …   Wiktionary

  • Pondicherry interpretation — The Pondicherry interpretation of quantum mechanics (PIQM) was developed by Ulrich Mohrhoff, who teaches at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education in Pondicherry, India.From the mathematical point of view, quantum mechanics is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Liane Gabora — is a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. She is best known for her theory of the Origin of the modern mind through conceptual closure. This built on her earlier work on Autocatalytic closure in a cognitive… …   Wikipedia

  • Bohm interpretation — The Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, sometimes called Bohmian mechanics, the ontological interpretation, or the causal interpretation, is an interpretation postulated by David Bohm in 1952 as an extension of Louis de Broglie s pilot wave …   Wikipedia

  • Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies — The Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA) is an interdisciplinary research centre founded at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 1995 with the aim to construct integrating worldviews . This encompassing philosophical scientific… …   Wikipedia

  • Erich Hartmann (photographer) — Erich Hartmann (Münich, July 29, 1922 New York, February 4, 1999) was an american photographer.Early DaysErich Hartmann, was born 29 July 1922 in Munich, Germany, the eldest child of parents who actually lived in Passau, a small city on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Erich Hartmann (Fotograf) — Erich Hartmann (* 29. Juli 1922 in München; † 4. Februar 1999 in New York City) war Fotograf. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Werk 2 Ausstellungen (Auswahl) 3 Einzelnachweise …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Erich Hartmann (photographe) —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Erich Hartmann.  Erich Hartmann en 1981. (c) Nicholas Hartmann Erich Hartmann (Munich, 29 juillet 1922 New York, 4 février 1999) est un …   Wikipédia en Français

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