Смотреть что такое "macho-culture" в других словарях:
macho — [ matʃo ] n. m. • 1971; hispano amér. v. 1942; de l esp. macho, lat. masculus « mâle » ♦ Fam. Homme qui fait preuve de machisme. ⇒ machiste, phallocrate. Ton frère est un affreux macho. Des machos. Adj. Une attitude macho (⇒ sexiste) . ● macho ou … Encyclopédie Universelle
Culture of New Zealand — The Kiwi has become a New Zealand icon. The culture of New Zealand is largely inherited from British and European custom, interwoven with Maori and Polynesian tradition. An isolated Pacific Island nation, New Zealand was comparatively recently… … Wikipedia
Culture of Nicaragua — Celebrating the annual Alegría por la vida Carnaval in Managua, Nicaragua British possessions. The people of Nicaragua are mostly mestizos, and Spanish is invariably their first language. Nicaraguans are prone to refer to themselves as Nicas,… … Wikipedia
Culture sexiste — Sexisme Le sexisme évoque une mise en avant du genre et non pas de l organe anatomique reproducteur. Ce vocable désigne selon les cas, différents concepts : L idée selon laquelle les caractéristiques différentes des deux genres masculin et… … Wikipédia en Français
Crying Macho Man — Cover of The Premiere Crying Macho Man Collection: Prime Cut Author(s) Jose Cabrera Website … Wikipedia
Latin American culture — is the formal or informal expression of the peoples of Latin America, and includes both high culture (literature, high art) and popular culture (music, folk art and dance) as well as religion and other customary practices. Definitions of Latin… … Wikipedia
Ship types (The Culture) — The fictional universe of The Culture, created by Iain M Banks, contains a wide range of space vessels types, most of which contain sentient Minds and which play a key role in the society of the Culture and in the plots of the novels set within… … Wikipedia
Ship types of the Culture — The fictional universe of The Culture, created by Iain M Banks, contains a wide range of space vessels types, most of which contain sentient Minds and which play a key role in the society of the Culture and in the plots of the novels set within… … Wikipedia
Kulturtypologie — ist ein von dem US amerikanischen Wissenschaftler Terrence E. Deal und dem Berater und Autor Allan A. Kennedy entwickeltes Modell zur Beschreibung unterschiedlicher Organisationskulturen[1]. Sie beschreiben Kultur als ein zweidimensionales Modell … Deutsch Wikipedia
McOndo — This article is about the literary movement. For the book, see McOndo (book). McOndo, an exotic place of exotic people: Continental Latin America. McOndo is a Latin American literary movement that breaks from the dominant Magical Realism… … Wikipedia
Firmenkultur — Organisationskultur (englisch: Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture), manchmal auch als Unternehmenskultur oder auch seltener Verwaltungskultur bezeichnet, ist ein Begriff der Organisationstheorie und beschreibt die Entstehung, Entwicklung… … Deutsch Wikipedia