Смотреть что такое "machine-hour" в других словарях:
machine hour method — noun (business) A method of calculating depreciation by dividing the cost of a machine by the estimated number of hours of its useful life, and applying the resultant rate to the actual running hours in each year • • • Main Entry: ↑machine … Useful english dictionary
machine-hour — ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : the operation of one machine for one hour used as a basis for cost finding and for determining operating effectiveness … Useful english dictionary
machine hour — A measurement of production in terms of the time taken for a machine operation to complete a given amount of production … Accounting dictionary
machine hour — A measurement of production in terms of the time taken for a machine operation to complete a given amount of production … Big dictionary of business and management
machine hour rate — An absorption rate used in absorption costing, obtained by the formula: budgeted cost centre overheads/budgeted machine hours … Accounting dictionary
machine hour rate — An absorption rate used in absorption costing, obtained by the formula: budgeted cost centre overheads budgeted machine hours … Big dictionary of business and management
rate per machine hour — A basis used in absorption costing for absorbing the manufacturing overhead into the cost units produced. The formula is: budgeted manufacturing overhead/budgeted machine hours. This rate may not be very useful for managers if overheads do not… … Accounting dictionary
rate per machine hour — A basis used in absorption costing for absorbing the manufacturing overhead into the cost units produced. The formula is: budgeted manufacturing overhead budgeted machine hours. This rate may not be very useful for managers if overheads do not… … Big dictionary of business and management
Machine vision — (MV System) is the application of computer vision to industry and manufacturing. Whereas computer vision is mainly focused on machine based image processing, machine vision most often requires also digital input/output devices and computer… … Wikipedia
Machine embroidery — is a term that can be used to describe two different actions. The first is using a sewing machine to manually create (either freehand or with built in stitches) a design on a piece of fabric or other similar item. The second is to use a specially … Wikipedia
Machine head (groupe) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Machine Head (homonymie). Machine Head … Wikipédia en Français