
ˌmækəˈrɔnɪk прил. макаронический, шуточный (о стиле - от macaroni) макаронический (о стиле) - * verses макаронические стихи macaronic pl макаронические стихи (на ломаной латыни или с большой примесью иностранных слов) ~ макаронический, шуточный (о стиле)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "macaronic" в других словарях:

  • macaronic — MACARÓNIC, Ă, macaronici, ce, adj. (Despre versuri, poezii, stil etc.) Care parodiază şi satirizează pedantismul moravurilor cavalereşti, amestecând cuvintele şi formele limbii naţionale cu cuvinte latineşti, latinizante sau cu alte cuvinte… …   Dicționar Român

  • macaronic — [mak΄ərän′ik] adj. [Fr macaronique < It maccaronico < maccaroni, lit., macaroni: see MACARONI] involving or characterized by a mixture of languages; esp., designating or of burlesque verse in which real or coined words from two or more… …   English World dictionary

  • Macaronic — Mac a*ron ic, n. 1. A heap of things confusedly mixed together; a jumble. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of burlesque composition, in which the vernacular words of one or more modern languages are intermixed with genuine Latin words, and with hybrid… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • macaronic — (adj.) 1610s, in reference to a form of verse consisting of vernacular words in a Latin context with Latin endings; applied loosely to verse in which two or more languages are jumbled together; from Mod.L. macaronicus (coined 1517 by Teofilo… …   Etymology dictionary

  • macaronic — macaronically, adv. /mak euh ron ik/, adj. 1. composed of or characterized by Latin words mixed with vernacular words or non Latin words given Latin endings. 2. composed of a mixture of languages. 3. mixed; jumbled. n. 4. macaronics, macaronic… …   Universalium

  • Macaronic — Macaronian Mac a*ro ni*an, Macaronic Mac a*ron ic, a. [Cf. It. maccheronico, F. macaronique.] 1. Pertaining to, or like, macaroni (originally a dish of mixed food); hence, mixed; confused; jumbled. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • macaronic — adjective Etymology: New Latin macaronicus, from Italian dialect maccarone macaroni Date: 1638 1. characterized by a mixture of vernacular words with Latin words or with non Latin words having Latin endings 2. characterized by a mixture of two… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • macaronic — 1. adjective /ˌmækəˈɹɑnɪk/ a) jumbled, mixed b) Written in a hodgepodge mixture of two or more languages. 2. noun /ˌmækəˈɹɑnɪk/ a) A work of macaronic character …   Wiktionary

  • macaronic — [ˌmakə rɒnɪk] adjective denoting language, especially burlesque verse, containing words or inflections from one language introduced into the context of another. noun (macaronics) macaronic verse. Origin C17 (in sense characteristic of a jumble ) …   English new terms dictionary

  • macaronic — mac•a•ron•ic [[t]ˌmæk əˈrɒn ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) ling. characterized by Latin words mixed with non Latin words often given Latin endings 2) ling. composed of a mixture of languages 3) ling. macaronics, macaronic language or writing • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • macaronic — /mækəˈrɒnɪk/ (say makuh ronik) adjective Also, macaronical. 1. characterised by a mixture of Latin words with words from another language, or with non Latin words provided with Latin terminations, as a kind of burlesque verse. 2. involving a… …  

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