luxury goods
Смотреть что такое "luxury goods" в других словарях:
luxury goods — ➔ goods … Financial and business terms
luxury goods — plural noun (economics) Goods on which a consumer spends a greater share of his or her income as that income rises • • • Main Entry: ↑luxury … Useful english dictionary
luxury goods — N PLURAL Luxury goods are things which are not necessary, but which give you pleasure or make your life more comfortable. ...increased taxes on luxury goods, such as boats, fur coats and expensive cars … English dictionary
luxury goods — / lʌkʃəri gυdz/, luxury items / lʌkʃəri ˌaɪtəmz/ plural noun expensive items which are not basic necessities … Dictionary of banking and finance
luxury goods — / lʌkʃəri gυdz/ plural noun expensive items which are not basic necessities … Marketing dictionary in english
Luxury Briefing — is a magazine that was launched in 1996 by James Ogilvy, the son of Princess Alexandra cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=James Ogilvy, Princess Alexandra s son, talks to Cassandra Jardine about his life as a junior royal.… … Wikipedia
Luxury — may refer to: Luxury good, an economic good or service for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises Luxury tax, tax on products not considered essential, such as expensive cars Luxury tax (sports), surcharge put on the… … Wikipedia
luxury - luxurious — ◊ luxury Luxury is great comfort among beautiful and expensive surroundings. We lived in great luxury. ...a life of luxury. Luxury is often used as an adjective in front of a noun. You use it to talk about a class of comfortable, expensive things … Useful english dictionary
Luxury good — Luxuriant redirects here. For the French wine grape also known as Luxuriant, see Jurançon (grape). The Mercedes Benz S Class is a luxury sedan Luxury goods are products and services that are not considered essential and associated with… … Wikipedia
Luxury tax — For the special case of the term luxury tax applied to the salaries of athletes, see Luxury tax (sports) A luxury tax is a tax on luxury goods products not considered essential. A luxury tax may be modeled after a sales tax or VAT, charged as a… … Wikipedia
goods — A category of personal property defined by Article 9 of the UCC. Sometimes called tangible goods. Further divided into consumer goods, equipment, farm products, and inventory. American Banker Glossary * * * goods goods [gʊdz] noun [plura … Financial and business terms