
ˈlʌkʃərɪ сущ.
1) уст. разврат, распутство Syn : lechery, lust
2) а) богатство, пышность, роскошь to afford a luxury ≈ позволить (себе) роскошь pure, sheer luxury ≈ явная роскошь unaccustomed luxury ≈ непривычная роскошь in luxury ≈ в роскоши They lived in luxury. ≈ Они жили в роскоши. It was sheer luxury to relax on the beach. ≈ Отдыхать на берегу ≈ явная роскошь. б) предмет роскоши
3) большое удовольствие, наслаждение Can we afford the luxury of a second car? ≈ Мы можем позволить себе иметь вторую машину? to enjoy (a) luxury ≈ получать удовольствие, наслаждаться to enjoy the luxury of a hot bath ≈ наслаждаться горячей ванной to wallow in luxury ≈ кататься как сыр в масле роскошь - life of * роскошная жизнь - to live in (the lap of) * жить в роскоши - to be lapped in * утопать в роскоши - paintings are my only * единственная роскошь, которую я себе позволяю - это картины большое удовольствие, наслаждение - the * of a good book удовольствие, получаемое от хорошей книги предмет роскоши - perfumes and other luxuries духи и другие предметы роскоши - luxuries tax налог на предметы роскоши роскошный - * goods предметы роскоши - * apartment роскошная квартира (тж. * flat) ;
номер люкс ~ роскошь;
to live in luxury жить в роскоши luxury большое удовольствие, наслаждение;
the luxury of a good book удовольствие, получаемое от хорошей книги ~ предмет роскоши ~ роскошь;
to live in luxury жить в роскоши luxury большое удовольствие, наслаждение;
the luxury of a good book удовольствие, получаемое от хорошей книги

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "luxury" в других словарях:

  • Luxury — may refer to: Luxury good, an economic good or service for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises Luxury tax, tax on products not considered essential, such as expensive cars Luxury tax (sports), surcharge put on the… …   Wikipedia

  • luxury — lux‧u‧ry [ˈlʌkʆri] noun luxuries PLURALFORM 1. [countable] something that is expensive and not really necessary but is pleasing and enjoyable: • luxuries such as a yacht and gold plated bathroom fixtures 2. luxury apartment/​car etc a very… …   Financial and business terms

  • Luxury — Lux u*ry, n.; pl. {Luxuries}. [L. luxuria, fr. luxus: cf. F. luxure.] 1. A free indulgence in costly food, dress, furniture, or anything expensive which gratifies the appetites or tastes. [1913 Webster] Riches expose a man to pride and luxury.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • luxury — [luk′shə rē, luk′shoor ē; lug′zhə rē, lug′zhoor ē] n. pl. luxuries [ME luxurie < OFr < L luxuria < luxus, extravagance, luxury, excess, prob. identical in orig. with luxus, dislocated: see LUXATE] 1. the use and enjoyment of the best and …   English World dictionary

  • luxury — (n.) c.1300, sexual intercourse; mid 14c., lasciviousness, sinful self indulgence, from O.Fr. luxurie debauchery, dissoluteness, lust (Mod.Fr. luxure), from L. luxuria excess, luxury, extravagance, profusion; delicacy (Cf. Sp. lujuria, It.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • luxury — ► NOUN (pl. luxuries) 1) the state of great comfort and extravagant living. 2) an inessential but desirable item. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of the nature of a luxury. ORIGIN originally meaning «lechery»: from Latin luxuria, from luxus excess …   English terms dictionary

  • luxury — index prosperity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • luxury — *amenity Analogous words: *pleasure, joy, delight: agree able ness, gratification, gratefulness (see corresponding adjectives at PLEASANT) Antonyms: hardship Contrasted words: *difficulty, rigor, vicissitude …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • luxury — [n] great pleasure, indulgence affluence, bliss, comfort, delight, enjoyment, exorbitance, extravagance, frill, gratification, hedonism, high living, immoderation, intemperance, leisure, luxuriousness, opulence, rarity, richness, satisfaction,… …   New thesaurus

  • luxury — noun 1 comfort and pleasure ADJECTIVE ▪ great, pure, sheer ▪ It was sheer luxury to step into a hot bath. ▪ ultimate ▪ the ultimate luxury of a sauna in your own home …   Collocations dictionary

  • luxury — n. 1) to enjoy (a) luxury (to enjoy the luxury of a hot bath) 2) to afford a luxury (can we afford the luxury of a second car?) 3) pure, sheer; unaccustomed luxury 4) luxury to + inf. (it was sheer luxury to relax on the beach = it was sheer… …   Combinatory dictionary

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