luxurious — 1 voluptuous, sybaritic, epicurean, *sensuous, sensual Analogous words: self indulging or self indulgent, self pampering (see base words at INDULGE): languorous, languishing (see LANGUID) Antonyms: ascetic Contrasted words: austere, stern,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Luxurious — Lux*u ri*ous, a. [L. luxuriosus: cf. F. luxurieux. See {Luxury}.] Of or pertaining to luxury; ministering to luxury; supplied with the conditions of luxury; as, a luxurious life; a luxurious table; luxurious ease. Luxurious cities. Milton. {Lux*u … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Luxurious — «Luxurious» Sencillo de Gwen Stefani del álbum Love. Angel. Music. Baby. Formato Sencillo en CD Grabación Dallas, Texas Género(s) Pop/R B … Wikipedia Español
luxurious — index replete, superfluous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
luxurious — (adj.) c.1300, lascivious, lecherous, unchaste, from O.Fr. luxurios lustful, lascivious (Mod.Fr. luxurieux), from L. luxuriosus, from luxuria (see LUXURY (Cf. luxury)). Meaning given to luxury, voluptuous (of persons) is from c.1600. Of things,… … Etymology dictionary
luxurious — [adj] affluent, indulgent comfortable, costly, deluxe, easy, elaborate, epicurean, expensive, extravagant, fancy, fit for a king/ queen*, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, gratifying, hedonistic, immoderate, imposing, impressive, in the lap of luxury,… … New thesaurus
luxurious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) characterized by luxury. 2) giving self indulgent pleasure. DERIVATIVES luxuriously adverb luxuriousness noun … English terms dictionary
luxurious — [lug zhoor′ēəs, luk shoor′ēəs] adj. [OFr luxurius < L luxuriosus] 1. fond of or indulging in luxury 2. constituting or contributing to luxury; splendid, rich, comfortable, etc. SYN. SENSUOUS luxuriously adv. luxuriousness n … English World dictionary
Luxurious — Infobox Single Name = Luxurious Artist = Gwen Stefani featuring Slim Thug from Album = Love. Angel. Music. Baby. Released = October 1, 2005 (U.S.) Format = CD single, digital download Recorded = Dallas, Texas, United States Genre = Pop R B Length … Wikipedia
luxurious — adjective Date: 14th century 1. lecherous 2. marked by or given to self indulgence < luxurious tastes > < luxurious feeling > 3. of, relating to, or marked by luxury < luxurious accommodations > 4. of the finest and richest kind < luxuriou … New Collegiate Dictionary
luxurious — luxuriously, adv. luxuriousness, n. /lug zhoor ee euhs, luk shoor /, adj. 1. characterized by luxury; ministering or conducive to luxury: a luxurious hotel. 2. given to or loving luxury; wanting or requiring what is choice, expensive, or the like … Universalium