Смотреть что такое "lunk" в других словарях:
lunk — lunk·head; spe·lunk·er; spe·lunk·ing; lunk; lunk·headed; … English syllables
Lunk — can refer to either of the following two fictional people from the universe: *A *A member of the *Lunk is also the US name of a fictional character in the sci fi animation series Robotech being part of the New Generation Segment which was… … Wikipedia
lunk — slow witted person, 1867, Amer.Eng. colloquial, shortened from lunkhead (1852), possibly an altered form of LUMP (Cf. lump) (n.) + HEAD (Cf. head) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
Lunk — Recorded in the spellings of Lunk, Luncke, Lank, Lunckin, Lung, Lunge, and probably others, this is almost certainly of German or Saxon pre 12th century origins, and according to the registers, mainly from the state of Westfalen. There seems to… … Surnames reference
lunk|head — «LUHNGK HEHD», noun. U.S. Informal. a blockhead. ╂[American English; origin uncertain] … Useful english dictionary
lunk — noun A fool; an idiot; a lunkhead … Wiktionary
Lünk — Lụ̈nk 〈m. 1; nddt.〉 = Lüning … Universal-Lexikon
lunk — n American a slow witted person, dullard. The term originated in the USA in the 19th cen tury. It usually evokes a large, clumsy, ungainly person of low intelligence and/ or slow reactions. It is a blend of lump and hunk … Contemporary slang
lunk — n. lunkhead, stupid person, idiot (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
lunk — noun short for lunkhead … English new terms dictionary
lunk — s ( en) … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok