Смотреть что такое "lungwort" в других словарях:
Lungwort — Lung wort , n. (Bot.) (a) An herb of the genus {Pulmonaria} ({Pulmonaria officinalis}), of Europe; so called because the spotted appearance of the leaves resembles that of a diseased lung. (b) Any plant of the genus {Mertensia} (esp. {Mertensia… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lungwort — [luŋ′wʉrt΄] n. [ME longwort < OE lungenwyrt (see LUNG & WORT2): from a fancied resemblance to human lungs] any of various plants formerly used in treating lung diseases; esp., any of a genus (Pulmonaria) of European plants of the borage family … English World dictionary
lungwort — vaistinė plautė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Agurklinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Pulmonaria officinalis), paplitęs pietų Europoje. atitikmenys: lot. Pulmonaria officinalis angl. common lungwort; lungwort; spotted dog vok … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
lungwort — /lung werrt , wawrt /, n. 1. a European plant, Pulmonaria officinalis, of the borage family, having blue flowers. 2. any of various related plants of the genus Mertensia, as the North American M. virginica, having nodding clusters of blue flowers … Universalium
lungwort — noun 1》 a bristly pink flowered plant with white spotted leaves said to resemble a diseased lung. [Pulmonaria officinalis and related species.] 2》 (also tree lungwort) a large lichen which grows on trees, formerly used to treat lung disease.… … English new terms dictionary
lungwort — plautė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Agurklinių (Boraginaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Pulmonaria). atitikmenys: lot. Pulmonaria angl. lungwort vok. Fuchskraut; Lungenkraut rus. легочница; медуница lenk. miodunka; płucnica … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
lungwort — noun Date: before 12th century any of several plants (as a mullein) formerly used in the treatment of respiratory disorders; especially a European herb (Pulmonaria officinalis) of the borage family with hispid leaves and usually bluish flowers … New Collegiate Dictionary
lungwort — noun Any of various European plants, of the genus Pulmonaria, that were once used to treat respiratory disorders … Wiktionary
lungwort — lung·wort .wərt, .wȯ(ə)rt n 1) any of several plants formerly used in the treatment of respiratory disorders esp a European herb (Pulmonaria officinalis) of the borage family (Boraginaceae) with rough hairy leaves and bluish flowers 2) a widely… … Medical dictionary
lungwort — n. (Botany) European plant of the borage family (used in past for treating lung diseases and respiratory disorders); bluebell; Virginia cowslip … English contemporary dictionary
lungwort — n. Virginia cowslip … New dictionary of synonyms