Смотреть что такое "lunchtime" в других словарях:
lunchtime — n. the time for eating lunch; as, he observed a regular lunchtime. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lunchtime — [lunch′tīm΄] n. the midday period during which lunch is usually taken … English World dictionary
lunchtime */ — UK [ˈlʌntʃˌtaɪm] / US noun [uncountable] a) the time in the middle of the day when people usually eat lunch Let s stop – it s nearly lunchtime. at lunchtime: I m going swimming at lunchtime. b) [only before noun] happening at lunchtime the… … English dictionary
lunchtime — lunch|time [ lʌntʃ,taım ] noun uncount * the time in the middle of the day when people usually eat lunch: Let s stop it s nearly lunchtime. at lunchtime: I m going swimming at lunchtime. a. only before noun happening at lunchtime: the lunchtime… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lunchtime — lunch|time S3 [ˈlʌntʃtaım] n [U and C] the time in the middle of the day when people usually eat their ↑lunch at lunchtime ▪ Some people prefer to eat their main meal at lunchtime. ▪ a lunchtime drink … Dictionary of contemporary English
lunchtime — [[t]lʌ̱ntʃtaɪm[/t]] lunchtimes also lunch time N VAR Lunchtime is the period of the day when people have their lunch. Could we meet at lunchtime? ...a lunchtime meeting … English dictionary
lunchtime — [ˈlʌntʃˌtaɪm] noun [U] the time in the middle of the day when people usually eat lunch I m going swimming at lunchtime.[/ex] the lunchtime news[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
lunchtime — noun a) The time or hour at which lunch is normally eaten. Its almost lunchtime, so I think Ill finish up later this afternoon. b) the period of 30 minutes to an hour at midday between lessons when schoolchildren are allowed to go outside and… … Wiktionary
lunchtime — noun Lunchtime is used before these nouns: ↑concert, ↑drink, ↑meeting, ↑news, ↑recital, ↑show, ↑snack, ↑stroll, ↑supervisor … Collocations dictionary
lunchtime — noun the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch he observed a regular lunchtime • Syn: ↑lunch period • Hypernyms: ↑mealtime … Useful english dictionary
Lunchtime Atop A Skyscraper — Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper[1] (de l anglais signifiant littéralement « l heure du déjeuner au sommet d un gratte ciel ») est une célèbre photographie réalisée par Charles Clyde Ebbets pendant la construction du GE Building, qui est le… … Wikipédia en Français