- lunate
- ˈlu:neɪt прил. имеющий вид, форму полумесяца имеющий форму полумесяца (специальное) лункообразный, в форме луночки lunate в виде, в форме полумесяца
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lunate — Lu nate, Lunated Lu na*ted, a. [L. lunatus crescent shaped, p. p. of lunare to bend like a crescent, fr. luna the moon.] Crescent shaped; resembling the crescent moon; as, a lunate leaf; a lunate beak; a lunated cross. Gray. Syn: lunular,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lunate — is a term meaning crescent or moon shaped. In the specialized terminology of lithic reduction, a lunate flake is a small, crescent shaped flake removed from a stone tool during the process of pressure flaking … Wikipedia
lunate — (adj.) crescent shaped, 1777, from L. lunatus, from luna (see LUNA (Cf. Luna)) … Etymology dictionary
lunate — [lo͞o′nāt΄, lo͞o′nit] adj. [L lunatus, pp. of lunare, to bend like a half moon < luna, the moon] crescent shaped: also lunated lunately adv … English World dictionary
lunate — 1. SYN: lunar (2). 2. Relating to the l. bone. * * * lu·nate lü .nāt adj shaped like a crescent lunate n LUNATE BONE * * * lu·nate (looґnāt) [L. luna moon] moon shaped, or crescentic; see os lunatum … Medical dictionary
lunate — [ lu:neɪt] adjective crescent shaped. noun 1》 Archaeology a crescent shaped stone implement. 2》 (also lunate bone) Anatomy a crescent shaped carpal bone in the centre of the wrist. Origin C18: from L. lunatus, from luna moon … English new terms dictionary
lunate — adj. & n. adj. crescent shaped. n. a crescent shaped prehistoric implement etc. Phrases and idioms: lunate bone a crescent shaped bone in the wrist. Etymology: L lunatus f. luna moon … Useful english dictionary
lunate bone — n a crescent shaped bone that is the middle bone in the proximal row of the carpus between the scaphoid bone and the triquetral bone and that has a deep concavity on the distal surface articulating with the capitate called also lunate, semilunar… … Medical dictionary
lunate sulcus — n a sulcus of the cerebrum on the lateral part of the occipital lobe that marks the front boundary of the visual area * * * sulcus lunatus [TA] a small semilunar furrow sometimes seen on the lateral surface of the occipital lobe of the cerebrum … Medical dictionary
Lunate bone — Bone: Lunate bone Cow chin Bone Shown is the right hand, palm down (left) and palm up (right). Proximal: A=Scaphoid, B=Lunate, C=Triquetral, D=Pisiform Distal: E=Trapezium, F=Trapezoid, G=Capitate, H=Ha … Wikipedia
lunate — adjective Etymology: Latin lunatus, past participle of lunare to bend in a crescent, from luna Date: circa 1777 shaped like a crescent … New Collegiate Dictionary