lunar material

lunar material
лунное вещество

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lunar material" в других словарях:

  • Lunar crater locations — The word crater was adopted by Galileo from the Latin word for cup. Galileo built his first telescope in late 1609, and turned it to the Moon for the first time on November 30, 1609. He discovered that, contrary to general opinion at that time,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar Payload Module — o LPM (que podría traducirse como módulo de carga lunar) fue uno de los proyectos enmarcados en el programa de exploración lunar del programa Apolo que nunca llegó a ser llevado a cabo por razones presupuestarias y por el abandono de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lunar space elevator — A lunar space elevator (also called a moonstalk) is a proposed cable running from the surface of the Moon into space.It is similar in concept to the better known Earth space elevator idea (a cable suspended above Earth, with its center of gravity …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar soil — Moondust redirects here. For the Commodore 64 video game, see Moondust (video game). For the Psychoactive drug, see Phencyclidine. Bootprint on lunar soil …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar water — Composite image of the Moon s south polar region, captured by NASA s Clementine probe over two lunar days. Permanently shadowed areas could harbour water ice. Lunar water is water that is present on the Moon. Liquid water cannot persist at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar Prospector — LunarOrbiter Name=Lunar Prospector Organization=NASA Contractors=Discovery Program MissionType=Planetary Science LaunchDate=January 7, 1998 at 02:28:44 UTC LaunchVehicle=Athena II MissionHighlight=Entered lunar orbit January 11, 1998, 10:28 UTC… …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar meteorite — A Lunar meteorite is a meteorite that is known to have originated on the Moon.DiscoveryIn January 1982, John Schutt, leading an expedition in Antarctica for the ANSMET program, found a meteorite that he recognized to be unusual. Shortly… …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar geologic timescale — The lunar geologic timescale (or selenologic timescale) divides the history of Earth s moon into five generally recognized geologic periods: the Copernican, Eratosthenian, Imbrian (upper and lower), Nectarian, and Pre Nectarian. The boundaries of …   Wikipedia

  • Lunar Receiving Laboratory — The Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) is a facility at NASA s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (Building 37) that was constructed to quarantine astronauts and material brought back from the Moon during the Apollo program to mitigate the risk of back …   Wikipedia

  • Galilaei (lunar crater) — lunar crater data latitude=10.5 N or S=N longitude=62.7 E or W=W diameter=15.5 km depth=1.4 km colong=63 eponym=Galileo GalileiGalilaei is a lunar impact crater located in the western Oceanus Procellarum. Some distance to the southeast is Reiner… …   Wikipedia

  • Lomonosov (lunar crater) — lunar crater data latitude=27.3 N or S=N longitude=98.0 E or W=E diameter=92 km depth= Unknown colong=263 eponym=Mikhail V. LomonosovLomonosov is a lunar crater that is located just behind the western limb of the Moon. It is almost attached to… …   Wikipedia

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