
ˈlʌɡɪdʒ сущ. багаж to check, register one's luggage ≈ регистрировать багаж to check one's luggage through (to the final destination) ≈ посылать, пересылать к месту назначения to claim one's luggage ≈ заявлять багаж carry-on luggage hand luggage piece of luggage luggage space luggage van luggage boot Syn : baggage багаж;
одно место (багажа) - * van (железнодорожное) багажный вагон - * space багажное отделение - * boot багажник (автомобиля) - * carrier багажник (на велосипеде) - * label багажный ярлык;
наклейка на чемодан - * rack полка или сетка для багажа - * trolley багажная тележка (на вокзале) - a piece of * одна вещь;
одно место (багажа) - six pieces of * шесть мест багажа abandoned ~ транс. оставленный багаж hand ~ транс. ручная кладь left ~ оставленный багаж left ~ room камера забытых вещей lost ~ пропавший багаж lost ~ утерянный багаж luggage багаж, багажный ~ багаж ~ attr. багажный;
luggage space багажное отделение;
luggage van ж.-д. багажный вагон;
luggage boot багажник (автомобиля) ~ багажный ~ attr. багажный;
luggage space багажное отделение;
luggage van ж.-д. багажный вагон;
luggage boot багажник (автомобиля) ~ office камера хранения багажа ~ attr. багажный;
luggage space багажное отделение;
luggage van ж.-д. багажный вагон;
luggage boot багажник (автомобиля) ~ attr. багажный;
luggage space багажное отделение;
luggage van ж.-д. багажный вагон;
luggage boot багажник (автомобиля) missing ~ недостающий багаж missing ~ пропавший багаж personal ~ личный багаж received ~ полученный багаж unaccompanied ~ багаж без сопровождения unclaimed ~ невостребованный багаж

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "luggage" в других словарях:

  • Luggage — is any number of bags, cases and containers which hold a traveller s articles during transit. The modern traveller can be expected to have packages containing clothing, toiletries, small possessions, trip necessities, and on the return trip,… …   Wikipedia

  • Luggage — Lug gage, n. [From 4th {Lug}.] That which is lugged; anything cumbrous and heavy to be carried; especially, a traveler s trunks, baggage, etc., or their contents. [1913 Webster] I am gathering up my luggage, and preparing for my journey. Swift.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • luggage — UK US /ˈlʌgɪdʒ/ noun [U] (UK TRANSPORT ► all the bags that you take with you when you travel: »Once you have collected your luggage and come through customs, please make your way to the arrivals hall. »The airline has increased the carry on… …   Financial and business terms

  • luggage — index cargo Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • luggage — 1590s, from LUG (Cf. lug) (v.) to drag + AGE (Cf. age); so, lit. what has to be lugged about (or, in Johnson s definition, any thing of more weight than value ). In 20c., the usual word for baggage belonging to passengers …   Etymology dictionary

  • luggage — [n] bag, suitcase baggage, carry on, case, fortnighter, gear, impedimenta, paraphernalia, suit bag, things*, tote bag, trunk, valise; concepts 446,494 …   New thesaurus

  • luggage — ► NOUN ▪ suitcases or other bags for a traveller s belongings. ORIGIN from LUG(Cf. ↑lug) …   English terms dictionary

  • luggage — [lug′ij] n. [< LUG1 + AGE] suitcases, valises, trunks, etc.; baggage …   English World dictionary

  • luggage — n. 1) to check, register (esp. BE) one s luggage 2) to check one s luggage through (to the final destination) 3) to claim one s luggage 4) carry on, hand luggage 5) personalized luggage 6) unclaimed luggage 7) a piece of luggage * * * [ lʌgɪdʒ]… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • luggage — (esp. BrE) noun ⇨ See also ↑baggage ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy ▪ carry on, hand ▪ checked, checked in ▪ lost …   Collocations dictionary

  • luggage — [ˈlʌgɪdʒ] noun [U] bags and suitcases that you take on a journey Syn: baggage • Luggage is never used in the plural and cannot be used with a: Someone had left a piece of luggage (NOTa luggage) in the taxi. ♦ Do you have any luggage? ♦ There was… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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