- luck into
- повезти, посчастливиться найти (что-л. хорошее) They've lucked into the best of all possible job. ≈ Им посчастливилось получить самую лучшую работу из всех возможных.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
luck into — (something) to get or find something good by chance. The flight was pretty empty, and the passenger across from me lucked into three seats to himself … New idioms dictionary
luck into — verb take possession of (Freq. 1) She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives • Syn: ↑enter upon, ↑come upon • Hypernyms: ↑get, ↑acquire • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
luck into something — luck into (something) to get or find something good by chance. The flight was pretty empty, and the passenger across from me lucked into three seats to himself … New idioms dictionary
luck into/upon — chance to find or acquire. → luck … English new terms dictionary
luck — ► NOUN 1) success or failure apparently brought by chance. 2) chance considered as a force causing success or failure. 3) good fortune. ► VERB informal 1) (luck into/upon) chance to find or acquire. 2) (luck … English terms dictionary
luck — luck1 [ lʌk ] noun uncount ** 1. ) success that you have by chance and not because of anything you do: John never had much luck with girls. wish someone luck (in/with something): We d all like to wish you luck in your new job. 2. ) an influence… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
luck — /luk/, n. 1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person s life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I ll probably get pneumonia. 2. good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of… … Universalium
luck — {{11}}luck (n.) late 15c. from early M.Du. luc, shortening of gheluc happiness, good fortune, of unknown origin. It has cognates in Du. geluk, M.H.G. g(e)lücke, Ger. Glück fortune, good luck. Perhaps first borrowed in English as a gambling term.… … Etymology dictionary
luck — [[t]lʌk[/t]] n. 1) the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person s life, as in shaping events or opportunities: With my luck I ll probably be too late[/ex] 2) good fortune; success: to have luck finding work[/ex] 3) some object on… … From formal English to slang
luck — noun success or failure apparently brought by chance. ↘chance considered as a force causing success or failure. verb informal 1》 (luck into/upon) chance to find or acquire. 2》 (luck out) N. Amer. succeed due to good luck. Phrases one s luck is in … English new terms dictionary
luck — [luk] n. [ME lucke, prob. < MDu luk, contr. < gelucke < ODu * gilukki (> Ger glück, fortune, good luck) < ? IE base * leug , to bend (> LEEK, LOCK1): basic sense “what bends together,” hence, “what occurs, what is fitting, lucky … English World dictionary