- lowercase shift
- переключение на нижний регистр (строчных букв)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Shift key — The shift key is a modifier key on a keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate upper characters. There are typically two shift keys, on the left and right sides of the row below the home row. The shift key s name originated from… … Wikipedia
letters shift — A teleprinter function initiated by the letters shift character, causing the machine to shift from upper to lowercase … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Bitnet Relay — or officially The Interchat Relay Network or simply Relay was a precursor to today s Internet Relay Chat and various online chat systems. It was developed by Jeff Kell (then at JEFF@UTCVM), of (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga) in 1985 in… … Wikipedia
shiftkey — shift key n. 1. A key on a typewriter that, when depressed, allows uppercase letters and certain symbols to be typed. 2. A key on a computer keyboard that, when depressed, changes letters from lowercase to uppercase, changes the effect of a… … Universalium
Letter case — For the minimalist musical sub genre, see Lowercase (music). For New Testament minuscules, see Category:Greek New Testament minuscules. Williamsburg eighteenth century press letters In orthography and typography, letter case (or just case) is the … Wikipedia
Apple II Plus — Mac specs| 290px|Introduced=1978|MSRP=1200|CPU=MOS Technology 6502| CPUspeed=1 MHz|OS=Apple DOS|RAM=48 KB (up to 64 KB)|RAMtype=|Discontinued=1982 The Apple II Plus was the second model of the Apple II series of personal computers produced by… … Wikipedia
Spanish language in the Philippines — Spanish Española/Español filipino Spoken in Philippines Native speakers … Wikipedia
Cyrillic — For Unicode block, see Cyrillic (Unicode block). Cyrillic … Wikipedia
ASCII — American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), pronEng|ˈæski [ [http://www.m w.com/cgi bin/audio.pl?ascii001.wav=ASCII Audio pronunciation for ASCII] . Merriam Webster . Accessed 2008 04 14.] is a character encoding based on the… … Wikipedia
CamelCase — (or camel case), also known as medial capitals,[1] is the practice of writing compound words or phrases in which the elements are joined without spaces, with each element s initial letter capitalized within the compound and the first letter… … Wikipedia
biblical literature — Introduction four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha. The Old… … Universalium