low-level logic

low-level logic

1. низкопороговая логика НПЛ, низкопороговые логические схемы
2. логика (логические схемы) с низкими (логическими) уровнями

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "low-level logic" в других словарях:

  • low-level logic — žemo loginio lygio grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. low level logic vok. Logik mit niedrigem Signalpegel, f rus. логическая схема с низким логическим уровнем, f pranc. logique à bas niveau, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • High-Level-Logic — LSL IC FZH251 Langsame störsichere Logik (Abk. LSL, engl. Low Speed Logic), auch unter der Bezeichnung High Level Logic (HLL) bekannt, ist eine veraltete elektronische Schaltungstechnik (Logikfamilie) für logische Schaltungen (Gatter). LSL… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Logic family — In computer engineering, a logic family may refer to one of two related concepts. A logic family of monolithic digital integrated circuit devices is a group of electronic logic gates constructed using one of several different designs, usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic probe — A logic probe is a hand held pen like test probe used for analyzing and troubleshooting the logical states (Boolean 0 or 1) of a digital circuit. While most are powered by the circuit under test, some devices use batteries. They can be used on… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-power electronics — means that the consumption of electric power is deliberately low, e.g. notebook processors. Electronics The density and speed of integrated circuit computing elements has increased roughly exponentially for a period of several decades, following… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic simulation — is the use of a computer program to simulate the operation of a digital circuit. Logic simulation is the primary tool used for verifying the logical correctness of a hardware design. In many cases logic simulation is the first activity performed… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-voltage differential signaling — Low voltage differential signaling, or LVDS, is an electrical signaling system that can run at very high speeds over inexpensive twisted pair copper cables. It was introduced in 1994, and has since become very popular in computers, where it forms …   Wikipedia

  • Logic level — In digital circuits, a logic level is one of a finite number of states that a signal can have. Logic levels are usually represented by the voltage difference between the signal and ground (or some other common reference point), although other… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic gate — A logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function, that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal… …   Wikipedia

  • Diode logic — (DL) or diode resistor logic constructs Boolean logic gates from diodes acting as electrically operated switches. While diode logic has the advantage of simplicity, the lack of an amplifying stage in each gate limits its application. Not all… …   Wikipedia

  • Transistor–transistor logic — (TTL) is a class of digital circuits built from bipolar junction transistors (BJT), and resistors. It is called transistor–transistor logic because both the logic gating function (e.g., AND) and the amplifying function are performed by… …   Wikipedia

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