low-density plasma

low-density plasma
разреженная плазма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "low-density plasma" в других словарях:

  • Low-density lipoprotein — (LDL) is a type of lipoprotein that transports cholesterol and triglycerides from the liver to peripheral tissues. LDL is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins; these groups include chylomicrons, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL),… …   Wikipedia

  • Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 — Low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor, also known as LRP8, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: LRP8 low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor| url =… …   Wikipedia

  • Low Density Lipoprotein — (LDL, deutsch: Lipoprotein niederer Dichte) bezeichnet Vertreter einer von mehreren Klassen der Lipoproteine. Es dient als Transportvehikel für im Blutplasma wasserunlösliche (lipophile) Substanzen wie Cholesterin, Cholesterinester, Triglyceride …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • low-density lipoprotein — Biochem. a plasma protein that is the major carrier of cholesterol in the blood: high levels are associated with atherosclerosis. Abbr.: LDL * * * …   Universalium

  • Soluble low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein — (sLRP) is a biological substance naturally produced by the human body. [cite journal | author=Quinn KA, Pye VJ. et al. | title=Characterization of the soluble form of the low density lipoprotein receptor related protein (LRP) | journal =Exp. Cell …   Wikipedia

  • Plasma stealth — is a proposed process that uses ionized gas (plasma) to reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of an aircraft. Interactions between electromagnetic radiation and ionized gas have been extensively studied for a variety of purposes, including the… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-carbohydrate diet — Low carbohydrate diets or low carb diets are dietary programs that restrict carbohydrate consumption usually for weight control or for the treatment of obesity. Foods high in digestible carbohydrates (e.g. bread, pasta) are limited or replaced… …   Wikipedia

  • plasma — plasmatic /plaz mat ik/, plasmic, adj. /plaz meuh/, n. 1. Anat., Physiol. the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements. 2. Cell Biol. cytoplasm. 3. whey. 4. a green, faintly translucent chalcedony. 5. Physics. a …   Universalium

  • Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition — PECVD machine at LAAS technological facility in Toulouse, France. Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is a process used to deposit thin films from a gas state (vapor) to a solid state on a substrate. Chemical reactions are involved… …   Wikipedia

  • Plasma scaling — The parameters of plasmas, including their spatial and temporal extent, vary by many orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, there are significant similarities in the behaviors of apparently disparate plasmas. It is not only of theoretical interest to …   Wikipedia

  • Plasma cosmology — [ Hannes Alfvén suggested that, by scaling laboratory results by a factor of 109, he could extrapolate magnetospheric conditions. Another scaling jump of 109 was required to extrapolate to galactic conditions, and a third jump of 109 was required …   Wikipedia

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