Смотреть что такое "low-charged" в других словарях:
Low-power electronics — means that the consumption of electric power is deliberately low, e.g. notebook processors. Electronics The density and speed of integrated circuit computing elements has increased roughly exponentially for a period of several decades, following… … Wikipedia
Low self-discharge NiMH battery — The low self discharge NiMH battery (LSD NiMH) was introduced in November 2005 [ [http://www.sanyo.co.jp/koho/hypertext4 eng/0511/1101 2e.html SANYO Presents ‘eneloop’ : A New Battery in place of Dry Cell Battery for the 21st Century ] ] [… … Wikipedia
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit — The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC; often pronounced lye tech ) is a tax credit created under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA86) that gives incentives for the utilization of private equity in the development of affordable housing aimed at… … Wikipedia
Charged Aerosol Release Experiment — The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment also known as CARE, is a project run by NASA which will use a rocket to release of dust in the upper atmosphere to form a dusty plasma in space.[1] NASA plans to trigger cloud formation around the rocket s… … Wikipedia
Low emission zone — A Low Emission Zone (LEZ) is a geographically defined area which seeks to restrict or deter access by certain polluting vehicles or only allow low (as regular or plug in hybrid) or zero emission (as all electric) vehicles, with the aim of… … Wikipedia
Low density lipoprotein receptor gene family — The low density lipoprotein receptor gene family code for a class of structurally closely related cell surface receptors that fulfill diverse biological functions in different organs, tissues, and cell types.cite journal | author = Nykjaer A,… … Wikipedia
Low-barrier hydrogen bond — A Low barrier hydrogen bond or LBHB is a special type of hydrogen bond. This type of bond is especially strong because the distance between acceptor and donor is especially short. In regular hydrogen bonds (for example the O H...O distance is at… … Wikipedia
Low-energy ion scattering — LEIS redirects here; for the Hawaiian garland see Lei (Hawaii). Low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEIS), sometimes referred to simply as ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), is a surface sensitive analytical technique used to characterize the … Wikipedia
Low-speed vehicle — A low speed vehicle (LSV) is a legal class of 4 wheel vehicles that have a maximum capable speed typically around 25 mph or 40 km/h, and have a minimum capable speed (typically 20 mph or 30 km/h) that allows them to travel on public roads not… … Wikipedia
Low cost broker — A low cost brokerage can be considered to be a special case ofa discount brokerage which functions in a similar way to a dividend reinvestment plan.Low cost brokers are generally less expensive for an investor who investsin small amounts (say,… … Wikipedia
low battery — A battery with less than acceptable voltage and should be charged or replaced … Dictionary of automotive terms