lord it
Смотреть что такое "lord it" в других словарях:
lord — lord … Dictionnaire des rimes
Lord — Lord … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Lord — (engl.: „Herr“, von altenglisch hláford, auch hlaferd oder hláfweard: „Brotherr, Brothüter“ aus altenglisch hláf „Laib“ und weard, „Hüter, Bewahrer, Wart“) ist ein englischer Adelstitel. In der englischen Kirchensprache entspricht die Bezeichnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lord's — Cricket Ground 51° 31′ 46″ N 0° 10′ 22″ W / 51.5294444, 0.1728667 … Wikipédia en Français
lord — [ lɔr(d) ] n. m. • 1547; lord chambellan 1528; mot angl. « seigneur » ♦ Titre de noblesse en Grande Bretagne. La Chambre des lords. Lord et Lady Buckingham. ♢ Titre attribué à certains hauts fonctionnaires ou à certains ministres britanniques… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lord — Lord, n. [OE. lord, laverd, loverd, AS. hl[=a]ford, for hl[=a]fweard, i. e., bread keeper; hl[=a]f bread, loaf + weardian to look after, to take care of, to ward. See {Loaf}, and {Ward} to guard, and cf. {Laird}, {Lady}.] 1. One who has power and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lord — 〈[lɔ:d] m. 6〉 1. engl. Adelstitel 2. Inhaber dieses Titels [engl., „Herr“] * * * Lọrd [lɔ:d], der; s, s [engl. lord < mengl. lōverd < aengl. hlāford = Herr, zu: hlāf = Brot(laib) u. weard = Schutzherr, Wart, also eigtl. = Brotherr,… … Universal-Lexikon
Lord — n [singular] 1.) a) a title of God or Jesus Christ, used when praying ▪ Thank you, Lord, for your blessings. b) the Lord God or Jesus Christ, used when talking about God ▪ The Lord helps and guides us. 2.) Lord (only) knows … Dictionary of contemporary English
lord — [lôrd] n. [ME < OE hlaford < earlier hlafweard < hlaf (see LOAF1) + weard (see WARD): basic sense “loaf keeper” (i.e., one who feeds dependents): some senses infl. by use as transl. of L dominus] 1. a person having great power and… … English World dictionary
lord — LORD, lorzi, s.m. (În Anglia) 1. (În evul mediu) Mare proprietar funciar; (în prezent) titlu nobiliar ereditar sau conferit de monarh; persoană care poartă acest titlu. 2. Membru al camerei superioare a parlamentului. Camera Lorzilor. 3. Termen… … Dicționar Român
lord — ► NOUN 1) a man of noble rank or high office. 2) (Lord) a title given formally to a baron, less formally to a marquess, earl, or viscount, and as a courtesy title to a younger son of a duke or marquess. 3) (the Lords) the House of Lords, or its… … English terms dictionary