Смотреть что такое "loquitur" в других словарях:
loquitur — stage direction, he or she speaks, Latin, third person present indicative singular of loqui to talk (see LOCUTION (Cf. locution)) … Etymology dictionary
loquitur — /loh kwi toordd /; Eng. /lok wi teuhr/, Latin. he speaks; she speaks. * * * … Universalium
loquitur — v. he speaks, she speaks (Latin) … English contemporary dictionary
loquitur — [ lɒkwɪtə] (abbrev.: loq.) verb (he or she) speaks (as a stage direction). Origin L., from loqui talk, speak … English new terms dictionary
loquitur — lo·qui·tur … English syllables
loquitur — v.i. he (she) speaks … Dictionary of difficult words
loquitur — v.intr. (he or she) speaks (with the speaker s name following, as a stage direction or to inform the reader). Etymology: L … Useful english dictionary
Res ipsa loquitur — is a legal term from the Latin meaning, the thing itself speaks but is more often translated the thing speaks for itself. It signifies that further details are unnecessary; the proof of the case is self evident. The doctrine is applied to tort… … Wikipedia
res ipsa loquitur — res ipsa lo·qui·tur also res ipsa lo·qui·tor / lō kwə tər/ n [Latin, the thing speaks for itself]: a doctrine or rule of evidence in tort law that permits an inference or presumption that a defendant was negligent in an accident injuring the… … Law dictionary
res ipsa loquitur — Frase latina que significa los hechos hablan por sí solos , concepto legal importante en muchas demandas por malpraxis. Ejemplos clásicos de res ipsa loquitur son el olvido de una esponja en el abdomen después de cirugía abdominal o la amputación … Diccionario médico
res ipsa loquitur — /reez ip seuh loh kwi teuhr, lok wi , rays /, Law. the rule that an injury is due to the defendant s negligence when that which caused it was under his or her control or management and the injury would not have happened had proper management been … Universalium