Смотреть что такое "lopoliths" в других словарях:
igneous rock — Any of various crystalline or glassy, noncrystalline rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of molten earth material (magma). Igneous rocks comprise one of the three principal classes of rocks, the others being metamorphic and sedimentary … Universalium
Lopolith — A lopolith is a large igneous intrusion which is lenticular in shape with a depressed central region. Lopoliths are generally concordant with the intruded strata with dike or funnel shaped feeder bodies below the body. The term was first defined… … Wikipedia
lopolith — /lop euh lith/, n. Geol. a mass of igneous rock similar to a laccolith but concave downward rather than upward. [1915 20; < Gk lop(ós) shell, husk + o O + LITH] * * * ▪ geology igneous intrusion associated with a structural basin, with… … Universalium
Lamprophyre — Lamprophyres (Greek λαµπρός (lamprós) = bright and φύρω (phýro) = to mix) are uncommon, small volume ultrapotassic igneous rocks primarily occurring as dikes, lopoliths, laccoliths, stocks and small intrusions. They are alkaline silica… … Wikipedia
Carbonatite — Carbonatites (pronEng|kɑrˈbɒnətaɪt) are intrusive or extrusive igneous rocks defined by mineralogy that comprises more than 50 volume % carbonate minerals. Carbonatites may be confused with marble, and may require geochemical… … Wikipedia
Lappolith — Ein Lopolith ist ein Pluton, der Gesteinskörper mit einer zentralen, schüsselförmigen Vertiefung ausbildet. Die Intrusion ist im Wesentlichen konkordant zu den umgebenden Schichten. Die Aufstiegswege des magmatische Materials sind entweder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lopolith — Ein Lopolith ist ein Pluton, der Gesteinskörper mit einer zentralen, schüsselförmigen Vertiefung ausbildet. Die Intrusion ist im Wesentlichen konkordant zu den umgebenden Schichten. Die Aufstiegswege des magmatischen Materials sind entweder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roca ultrabásica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Las rocas ultrabásicas (también referida como ultramáficas) son rocas ígneas y meta ígneas con muy bajo sílice (menos de 45%), generalmente >18% MgO, alto FeO, bajo potasio, y se compone de usualmente más de 90%… … Wikipedia Español
anorthosite — anorthositic /an aw theuh sit ik/, adj. /an awr theuh suyt /, n. Petrol. a granular plutonic rock composed largely of labradorite or a more calcic feldspar. [1860 65; < F anorthose anorthoclase (an AN 1 + Gk orthós straight) + ITE1] * * * Type of … Universalium
pyroxenite — /puy rok seuh nuyt , peuh /, n. Petrol. any rock composed essentially, or in large part, of pyroxene of any kind. [1860 65; PYROXENE + ITE1] * * * Dark medium to coarse grained igneous rock that consists chiefly of pyroxene. Accessory minerals… … Universalium
lamprophyre — noun An uncommon, small volume ultrapotassic igneous rock primarily occurring as dikes, lopoliths, laccoliths, stocks and small intrusions … Wiktionary