loosely fit
Смотреть что такое "loosely fit" в других словарях:
fit — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 way sth fits/way two things match ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, good, nice ▪ We need to achieve the best fit between the staff required and the staff available. ▪ correct, exact … Collocations dictionary
loosely — adv. Loosely is used with these adjectives: ↑allied, ↑attached, ↑organized, ↑related, ↑woven Loosely is used with these verbs: ↑attach, ↑base, ↑bind, ↑clasp, ↑coil, ↑conn … Collocations dictionary
fit — 1. Suitable. Kohu, kū, kūpono; ho okūkū, komokomo (as a garment). ♦ To fit closely, pili pa a, pili pono. ♦ To fit loosely, pālokeloke. ♦ Not at all fitting, a ole kohu iki. ♦ My shoes don t fit, a ohe kū ko u kāma a. 2. Seizure.… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
sem|i|fit|ting — «SEHM ee FIHT ihng», adjective. partly or loosely fitting, as a garment … Useful english dictionary
Game Boy accessories — This is a list of video game accessories that have been released for the Game Boy handheld console and its successors. Accessories add functionality that the console would otherwise not have.Game BoyGame Boy Pocket Sonar Main Article: Game Boy… … Wikipedia
African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968) — American Civil Rights Movement redirects here. For the earlier period, see African American Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954). Prominent figures of the African American Civil Rights Movement. Clockwise from top left: W. E. B. Du Bois, Malcolm X,… … Wikipedia
Swage — Swaging (pronunciation note below) is a metal forming technique in which the dimensions of an item are altered using a die or dies, into which the item is forced. [ [http://www.efunda.com/processes/metal processing/swaging.cfm Definition of… … Wikipedia
List of G.I. Joe comics — Since its debut in 1982, the comic book history of G.I. Joe has seen three separate publishers and four main title series, all of which have been based on the Hasbro toy line of the same name. The first series was produced by Marvel Comics… … Wikipedia
Equipment of the Imperium (Warhammer 40,000) — This list names the various types of equipment used by the Imperium in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Often known as wargear, these are grouped according to their category, are discussed in detail including their in universe specs and their in… … Wikipedia
Swaging — ( /ˈsweɪ … Wikipedia
Telecommunication — A parabolic satellite communication antenna at the biggest facility for satellite communication in Raisting, Bavaria, Germany … Wikipedia