loose sediments
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Marine habitats — Coral reefs provide marine habitats for tube sponges, which in turn become marine habitats for fishes Littoral zone … Wikipedia
San Francisco Tetlanohcan — is a town in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, at the foot of the La Malinche dormant volcano. San Francisco Tetlanohcan has a population of 10,000 inhabitants, and is located about 20 minutes east of the state capital, Tlaxcala,… … Wikipedia
South America — South American. a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere. 271,000,000; ab. 6,900,000 sq. mi. (17,871,000 sq. km). * * * Continent, Western Hemisphere. The world s fourth largest continent, it is bounded by the Caribbean Sea to the… … Universalium
Cretaceous — Period 145.5–65.5 million years ago … Wikipedia
Ilkley Moor — Cow and Calf rocks Elevation 402 m (1,319 ft) … Wikipedia
Chlorastrolite — A small greenstone Chlorastrolite also known as Michigan Greenstone, is a green or bluish green stone. Chlorastrolite has finely radiated or stellate masses that have a turtleback pattern. The stellate masses tend to be chatoyant, meaning they… … Wikipedia
Coastal Barrier Resources Act — The Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA, Public Law 97 348) of the United States was enacted October 18, 1982. The United States Congress passed this Act in order to address the many problems associated with coastal barrier development. CBRA… … Wikipedia
Chalcidice — /kal sid euh see/, n. a peninsula in NE Greece. Greek, Khalkidike. * * * ▪ peninsula, Greece Modern Greek Khalkidhikí peninsula, northern Greece, and a nomós (department) terminating in (east–west) the three fingerlike promontories of… … Universalium
meiofauna — noun A type of interstitial fauna, such as psammon, found in rock fissures, between the grains of loose sediments, on algae, etc. It is a part of the microfauna … Wiktionary
Polystrate fossil — [ Nova Scotia, Canada (printed 1868).] Polystrate or upright fossil describes fossils of single organisms (such as tree trunks) that run through more than one geological strata. Entire fossil forests have been discovered [… … Wikipedia
Sedimentary rock — Middle Triassic marginal marine sequence of siltstones (below) and limestones (above), Virgin Formation, southwestern Utah, USA Sedimentary rock are types of rock that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth s surface and within… … Wikipedia