loose gravel
Смотреть что такое "loose gravel" в других словарях:
loose — [[t]lu͟ːs[/t]] ♦♦♦ looser, loosest, looses, loosing, loosed 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is loose is not firmly held or fixed in place. If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it s taken out... Two wooden beams had come loose … English dictionary
gravel road — /ˈgrævəl roʊd/ (say gravuhl rohd) noun a road with a loose gravel surface …
gravel — ► NOUN ▪ a loose mixture of small stones and coarse sand, used for paths and roads. ► VERB (gravelled, gravelling; US graveled, graveling) ▪ cover with gravel. ORIGIN Old French, from grave shore … English terms dictionary
gravel — [grav′əl] n. [ME < OFr gravelle, dim. of grave, coarse sand, seashore < or akin to Gaul * grava, stone < IE base * ghreu , to rub hard, pulverize > GRIT] 1. a loose mixture of pebbles and rock fragments coarser than sand, often mixed… … English World dictionary
loose metal — gravel road (see also metal road) … Kiwi (New Zealand slang)
Gravel road — A gravel road, as often found in rural areas and lesser developed nations. A … Wikipedia
gravel — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French gravele, diminutive of grave, greve river bank, stony ground Date: 13th century 1. obsolete sand 2. a. loose rounded fragments of rock b. a stratum or deposit of gravel; also a surface covered… … New Collegiate Dictionary
gravel — noun 1》 a loose mixture of small stones, often used for paths and roads. 2》 Medicine aggregations of crystals formed in the urinary tract. verb (gravels, gravelling, gravelled; US gravels, graveling, graveled) 1》 cover with gravel. 2》 US informal … English new terms dictionary
gravel — A loose mixture of pebbles and rock fragments that are coarser than sand … Geography glossary
loose metal — Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) gravel road (see also metal road) … English dialects glossary
loose cubic metre — noun the cubic measurement of material such as sand, gravel, etc., in uncompacted state …