Смотреть что такое "loop-light" в других словарях:
loop-light — loopˈ light noun A small narrow window • • • Main Entry: ↑loop … Useful english dictionary
Light rail in New Jersey — is provided by New Jersey Transit, a corporation which also provides bus and heavy rail services. Contents 1 Hudson–Bergen Light Rail 1.1 HBLR fares 2 Newark Light Rail 2.1 … Wikipedia
Light Rail (MTR) — Light Rail 輕鐵 A Light Rail tr … Wikipedia
loop|hole — «LOOP HOHL», noun, verb, holed, hol|ing. –n. 1. a small opening in a wall for looking through, or letting in air and light, or for firing through at an enemy outside: »... barred with care All the windows, and doors, and loopholes there (Robert… … Useful english dictionary
Light Rail Transit (Singapore) — Infobox Public transit name = Light Rapid Transit (LRT) 轻轨列车系统 Sistem Rel Ringan imagesize = 100px locale = Singapore transit type = Light Rail began operation = 6 November, 1999 system length = km to mi|28.8|abbr=yes|precision=2|wiki=yes lines … Wikipedia
Loop interchange — In compiler theory, loop interchange is the process of exchanging the order of two iteration variables. For example, in the code fragment: for i from 0 to 10 for j from 0 to 20 a [i,j] = i + jloop interchange would result in: for j from 0 to 20… … Wikipedia
loop bioreactor — Fermenters in which material is cycled between a bulk tank and a smaller tank or loop of pipes. The circulation helps to mix the materials and to ensure that gas injected into the fermenter is well distributed in the liquid. Particularly useful… … Glossary of Biotechnology
East Kent Light Railway — The East Kent Light Railway was part of the Colonel Stephens group of cheaply built rural light railways in England. Holman Fred Stephens was engineer from its inception, subsequently becoming director and manager. The line ran from Shepherdswell … Wikipedia
Newark Light Rail — A Newark Light Rail car crosses Broad Street by Riverfront Stadium in Newark, pulling into the Newark Broad Street station … Wikipedia
Oldham Loop Line — [v · d · … Wikipedia
D-loop — In molecular biology, a displacement loop or D loop is a DNA structure where the two strands of a double stranded DNA molecule are separated for a stretch and held apart by a third strand of DNA. The third strand has a base sequence which is… … Wikipedia