loop operation
Смотреть что такое "loop operation" в других словарях:
loop operation — ciklo operacija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. loop operation vok. Schleifenoperation, f rus. операция организации, f; операция цикла, f pranc. opération répétitive, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
opération répétitive — ciklo operacija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. loop operation vok. Schleifenoperation, f rus. операция организации, f; операция цикла, f pranc. opération répétitive, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Loop nest optimization — (LNO) is a special case of loop transformation, dealing with nested loops, that allows large reductions in the cache bandwidth necessary for some common algorithms.Example: Matrix multiplyMany large mathematical operations on computers end up… … Wikipedia
loop — loop1 [lo͞op] n. [ME loup < Anglo N forms corresponding to ON hlaup, a leap, hlaupa, to run (akin to LEAP) > Dan løbe(knude), lit., running (knot)] 1. a) the more or less circular figure formed by a line, thread, wire, etc. that curves back … English World dictionary
Operation Camargue — Part of the First Indochina War Thừa Thiên Huế Province … Wikipedia
Operation Strikeback — Part of Cold War (1953–1962) The GIUK Gap . Type NATO … Wikipedia
Operation Pleshet — Part of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War … Wikipedia
Operation Pluto — was also the codename for the Bay of Pigs Invasion. PLUTO redirects here. For other uses, see Pluto (disambiguation). Pipeline Under The Ocean redirects here. For the 2005 rock album, see Pipeline Under the Ocean (album) … Wikipedia
Operation Chastise — Part of the Second World War The Möhne dam on the day following the attacks … Wikipedia
Operation (game) — Children playing Operation Players 1 or more Age range 6 to adult Playing time 10 min Random chance … Wikipedia
Loop performance — indicates the performance of control loops, typically in the context of a regulatory PID loop. Performance refers to the accuracy of a control system s ability to track (output) the desired signals to properly regulate the plant it is attached to … Wikipedia