loop algebra
Смотреть что такое "loop algebra" в других словарях:
Loop algebra — In mathematics, loop algebras are certain types of Lie algebra, of particular interest in theoretical physics.If mathfrak{g} is a Lie algebra, the tensor product of mathfrak{g} with C^infty(S^1), :mathfrak{g}otimes C^infty(S^1), the algebra of… … Wikipedia
Loop — A loop is generally something that closes back on itself such as a circle. The closing can appear in time or in space.cience and technology*Loop (algebra), a quasigroup with an identity element *Loop (graph theory), an edge that begins and ends… … Wikipedia
Loop group — In mathematics, a loop group is a group of loops in a topological group G with multiplication defined pointwise. Specifically, let LG denote the space of continuous maps S^1 o G equipped with the compact open topology. An element of LG is called… … Wikipedia
Loop (topology) — In mathematics, a loop in a topological space X is a path f from the unit interval I = [0,1] to X such that f (0) = f (1). In other words, it is a path whose initial point is equal to the terminal point.A loop may also be seen as a continuous map … Wikipedia
Loop quantum gravity — Not to be confused with the path integral formulation of LQG, see spin foam. This article is about LQG in its Canonical formulation.. Beyond the Standard Model … Wikipedia
Affine Lie algebra — In mathematics, an affine Lie algebra is an infinite dimensional Lie algebra that is constructed in a canonical fashion out of a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra. It is a Kac–Moody algebra whose generalized Cartan matrix is positive semi… … Wikipedia
List of abstract algebra topics — Abstract algebra is the subject area of mathematics that studies algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, and algebras. The phrase abstract algebra was coined at the turn of the 20th century to distinguish this … Wikipedia
Lorentz invariance in loop quantum gravity — Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a quantization of a classical Lagrangian field theory. It is equivalent to the usual Einstein Cartan theory in that it leads to the same equations of motion describing general relativity with torsion. As such, it can … Wikipedia
Moufang loop — In mathematics, a Moufang loop is a special kind of algebraic structure. It is similar to a group in many ways but need not be associative. Moufang loops were introduced by Ruth Moufang. Contents 1 Definition 2 Examples 3 Properties … Wikipedia
Moufang-Loop — In der Mathematik ist eine Quasigruppe eine nichtleere Menge Q mit einer binären Verknüpfung , in der für alle a und b in Q die Gleichungen und jeweils genau eine Lösung haben, d.h., die Lösung existiert und ist eindeutig. Eine Quasigruppe ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Allgemeine Algebra — Der Begriff algebraische Struktur, missverständlich auch „universelle Algebra“, „allgemeine Algebra“ oder „Algebra“ genannt, bezeichnet ein mathematisches Objekt. Das Synonym allgemeine Algebra bezeichnet gleichzeitig auch den Teilbereich der… … Deutsch Wikipedia