- loony-bin
- ˈlu:nɪbɪn сущ.;
сл. сумасшедший дом (сленг) желтый дом, психушка loony-bin sl сумасшедший дом
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
loony bin — (l[=oo]n [y^] b[i^]n) n. An institution for the confinement or treatment of insane persons, such as an insane asylum or the psychiatric ward of a hospital. [slang] Syn: mental institution. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
loony bin — n informal an expression meaning a hospital for people who are mentally ill, usually considered offensive = psychiatric hospital … Dictionary of contemporary English
loony bin — loony ,bin noun count an offensive word for a hospital for mentally ill people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
loony bin — [n] mental health facility bughouse*, funny farm*, insane asylum, madhouse*, mental hospital, mental institution, nut house*, psychiatric hospital, psychiatric ward, sanatorium; concepts 312,439,516 … New thesaurus
loony bin — n. Slang an institution for the mentally ill … English World dictionary
loony bin — noun pejorative terms for an insane asylum • Syn: ↑Bedlam, ↑booby hatch, ↑crazy house, ↑cuckoo s nest, ↑funny farm, ↑funny house, ↑madhouse, ↑nut house, ↑nuthouse, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
loony bin — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms loony bin : singular loony bin plural loony bins an offensive word for a hospital for mentally ill people … English dictionary
loony bin — n. an insane asylum; a mental hospital. □ I feel like I’m about ready for the loony bin. □ Today’s loony bins are far different from those of just a few decades ago … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
loony bin — mental hospital, nut house If you ride that giraffe downtown they ll put you in the loony bin … English idioms
loony bin — np Insane asylum. Loan you $5? You should be locked up in aloony bin! 1910s … Historical dictionary of American slang
loony bin — n a hospital for the insane or mentally sub normal, an insane asylum . The most common slang expression for such an institution in the English speaking world since the end of the 19th century. In modern British parlance it is usually shortened to … Contemporary slang