Смотреть что такое "lookalike" в других словарях:
lookalike — ► NOUN ▪ a person or thing that closely resembles another … English terms dictionary
lookalike — UK [ˈlʊkəˌlaɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms lookalike : singular lookalike plural lookalikes someone who is very similar in appearance to another person, especially a famous person a Tom Cruise lookalike … English dictionary
Lookalike — Look|alike 〈[lụkəlaık] m. 6〉 jmd., der einer prominenten Person ähnlich sieht od. diese professionell doubelt (auf Festen usw.) [<engl. lookalike „Doppelgänger, Gegenstück“] * * * Look|alike [ lʊkəla̮ik ], der; s, s [engl. lookalike, zu: to… … Universal-Lexikon
Lookalike — Look|a|like 〈 [lụkəlaık] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 jmd., der einer prominenten Person ähnlich sieht od. diese professionell doubelt (auf Festen usw.) [Etym.: <engl. lookalike »Doppelgänger, Gegenstück«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
lookalike — look|a|like look alike [ˈlukəlaık] n informal someone who looks very similar to someone who is famous ▪ a Madonna lookalike … Dictionary of contemporary English
Lookalike — Look|a|like* [ lukəlaik] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. lookalike, zu alike »ähnlich«> Doppelgänger [einer prominenten Person] … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
lookalike — look|a|like [ lukə,laık ] noun count someone who is very similar in appearance to another person, especially a famous person: a Tom Cruise lookalike … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lookalike — noun (C) informal someone who looks very similar to someone who is famous: a Marilyn Monroe lookalike … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
lookalike — look|alike sb., n, s, ne (person der ligner en kendt person), i sms. lookalike , fx lookalikekonkurrence … Dansk ordbog
lookalike — noun Someone who physically resembles (looks like) someone else. The cousins were such close lookalikes they could impersonate each other, and sometimes did … Wiktionary
lookalike — n. person who resembles another; thing that looks like another … English contemporary dictionary