look for a job
Смотреть что такое "look for a job" в других словарях:
look for — verb 1. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of (Freq. 50) The police are searching for clues They are searching for the missing man in the entire county • Syn: ↑search, ↑seek • Derivationally related forms: ↑s … Useful english dictionary
look for — {v.} 1. To think likely; expect. * /We look for John to arrive any day now./ * /The frost killed many oranges, and housewives can look for an increase in their price./ * /Bob wouldn t go for a ride with the boys because he was looking for a phone … Dictionary of American idioms
look for — {v.} 1. To think likely; expect. * /We look for John to arrive any day now./ * /The frost killed many oranges, and housewives can look for an increase in their price./ * /Bob wouldn t go for a ride with the boys because he was looking for a phone … Dictionary of American idioms
look\ for — v 1. To think likely; expect. We look for John to arrive any day now. The frost killed many oranges, and housewives can look for an increase in their price. Bob wouldn t go for a ride with the boys because he was looking for a phone call from… … Словарь американских идиом
look for — phr verb Look for is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑inspector, ↑researcher Look for is used with these nouns as the object: ↑accommodation, ↑answer, ↑apartment, ↑clue, ↑compromise, ↑cure, ↑damp, ↑employment … Collocations dictionary
job-hunt — job hunter, n. /job hunt /, v.i. to seek employment; look for a job. [1945 50] * * * v. [intrans.] [usu. as n.] job hunting informal seek employment Derivatives: job hunter n. * * * ˈjob hunt [job hunt … Useful english dictionary
job-hunt — job hunter, n. /job hunt /, v.i. to seek employment; look for a job. [1945 50] * * * … Universalium
job-hunt — job′ hunt v. i. cvb to seek employment; look for a job • Etymology: 1945–50 job′ hunt er, n … From formal English to slang
look — I n. glance expression 1) to get, have, take a look 2) to dart, shoot; steal a look 3) to give smb. a look 4) a blank, distant, faraway, vacant look (she had a faraway look in her eyes) 5) an anxious, worried; baleful; close, hard; come hither,… … Combinatory dictionary
job — n. task 1) to do a job 2) to take on a job 3) a backbreaking; difficult, hard job 4) odd jobs (he does odd jobs) 5) a job to + inf. (it was quite a job to find him = it was quite a job finding him = we had quite a job finding him) employment 6)… … Combinatory dictionary
job — /dʒɒb/ noun 1. an order being worked on ● We are working on six jobs at the moment. ● The shipyard has a big job starting in August. 2. regular paid work ● She is looking for a job in the computer industry. ● He lost his job when the factory… … Dictionary of banking and finance