Смотреть что такое "loo" в других словарях:
Loo — ist der Name folgender Personen: Albrecht van Loo (* um 1472; † 1525), niederländischer Politiker Alexa Loo (* 1972), kanadische Snowboarderin chinesischer Herkunft Charles Amédée Philippe van Loo (1719–1795), französischer Maler Charles André… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loo — and similar may refer to:Places* Loo, a historic district of Sochi, Russia * Loo, a small borough in Jõelähtme Commune, Harju County, Estonia * Loo village, a village in Jõelähtme Commune, Harju County, Estonia * Loo River, Estonia * Looe, a town … Wikipedia
Loo — (l[=oo]), n. [For older lanterloo, F. lanturelu, lanturlu, name of the game; orig., the refrain of a vaudeville.] (a) An old game played with five, or three, cards dealt to each player from a full pack. When five cards are used the highest card… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Loo — (l[=oo]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Looed} (l[=oo]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Looing}.] To beat in the game of loo by winning every trick. [Written also {lu}.] Goldsmith. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
loo — Loo, qu on dit aussi Lof, est un terme de mariniers, par lequel ils entendent, la traicte et longueur d un navire depuis le mast jusques à un bord ou autre, comme il va à la boline, car selon le vent duquel on boline, les Escoutes de ladite… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Loo — Loo, Van, flämisch französische Malerfamilie, Van Loo. … Universal-Lexikon
loo — [lu:] n plural loos BrE informal a toilet ▪ I need to go to the loo (=use the toilet) … Dictionary of contemporary English
loo — [ lu ] noun count BRITISH INFORMAL a toilet or a room that contains a toilet: I need to go to the loo … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
loo — loo1 [lo͞o] n. [contr. < lanterloo < Fr lanturelu, name of the game, orig. fanciful word in refrain of a 17th c. song] a former card game played for a pool made up of stakes and forfeits vt. to cause to pay a forfeit at loo loo2 [lo͞o] n.… … English World dictionary
loo|by — «LOO bee», noun, plural bies. British. a lazy, hulking fellow; lout. ╂[compare etym. under lob2] … Useful english dictionary
Loo — Loo, 1) s. Stadt Loe; 2) Marktflecken an der L. Vaert, im Arrondissement Dixmude der belgischen Provinz Westflandern; Viehhandel, berühmter Käse, 1683 Ew.; der Kanal von L. führt nach Furnes; 3) L. Christy (Christ L.), Dorf im Arrondissement Gent … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon