longitudinal fold
Смотреть что такое "longitudinal fold" в других словарях:
Longitudinal fold — Продольный сгиб; Продольная фальцовка … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
longitudinal fold of duodenum — plica longitudinalis duodeni … Medical dictionary
fold — 1. A ridge or margin apparently formed by the doubling back of a lamina. SYN: plica. 2. In the embryo, a transient elevation or reduplication of tissue in the form of a lamina … Medical dictionary
longitudinal rugae — (NEMATA) The cuticular fold projecting anteriorly from the stoma of diplogasterids supporting the circumoral membrane … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
neural fold — n the lateral longitudinal fold on each side of the neural plate that by folding over and fusing with the opposite fold gives rise to the neural tube * * * one of the paired folds of the neural plate, lying one on either side of the neural groove … Medical dictionary
neural fold — noun : the lateral longitudinal fold on each side of the neural plate that by folding over and fusing with the opposite fold gives rise to the neural tube … Useful english dictionary
Neural fold — Chick embryo of thirty three hours’ incubation, viewed from the dorsal aspect. X 30. (Neural fold labeled at center left, third from the bottom.) Latin plica neuralis … Wikipedia
crest — 1. A ridge, especially a bony ridge. SEE ALSO: crista. 2. The ridge of the neck of a male animal, especially of a stallion or bull. 3. Feathers on the top of a bird s head, or fin rays on the top of a fish s head. SYN: crista [TA]. [L. crista] … Medical dictionary
plica — [TA] SYN: fold (1). [Mod. L. a plait or fold] plicae adiposae pleurae SYN: fatty folds of pleura, under fold. plicae alares plicae synovialis infrapatellaris SYN: alar folds of intrapatellar synovial fold, under fold. plicae ampullares tubae… … Medical dictionary
Urethral crest — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = crista urethralis urethrae masculinae, crista urethralis urethrae femininae GraySubject = 256 GrayPage = 1234 Caption = The male urethra laid open on its anterior (upper) surface. (Urethral crest labeled at … Wikipedia
plicata — , plicatum L. plico, fold. 1) Leaf blade with a single longitudinal fold. Glyceria plicata, Poa plicata 2) leaf blade with several longitudinal folds. Panicum plicatum, Setaria plicata … Etymological dictionary of grasses