

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "longitudal" в других словарях:

  • Crystal oscillator — A miniature 4 MHz quartz crystal enclosed in a hermetically sealed HC 49/US package, used as the resonator in a crystal oscillator. A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal …   Wikipedia

  • QDGC — Quarter Degree Grid Cells (or QDS Quarter degree Squares) are a way of dividing the longitude latitude degree square cells into smaller squares, forming in effect a system of geocodes. Historically QDGC has been used in a lot of African atlases.… …   Wikipedia

  • Janez Strnad — (born March 4, 1934) is a Slovene physicist and populariser of natural science. Life and work Strnad was born in Ljubljana, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (now Slovenia).He taught for many years from 1961 at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty for… …   Wikipedia

  • Wardenclyffe Tower — (1901 ndash; 1917) also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early wireless telecommunications aerial tower designed by Nikola Tesla and intended for commercial trans Atlantic wireless telephony, broadcasting, and to demonstrate the transmission of… …   Wikipedia

  • Kindergarten — For other uses, see Kindergarten (disambiguation). Caring for children At home Parents · Extended family …   Wikipedia

  • Magnifying transmitter — The magnifying transmitter was designed to implement Wireless energy transmission by means of the disturbed charge of ground and air method. The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic… …   Wikipedia

  • Li (unit) — The li (里, lǐ) is a traditional Chinese unit of distance, which has varied considerably over time but now has a standardized length of 500 meters or half a kilometer (approx. 1640 feet). A modern li consists of 1,500 Chinese feet or chi and, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Queen Maud Land — Dronning Maud Land …   Wikipedia

  • Automobile layout — In automotive design layout specifies where on the car the engine and drive wheels are found. Front wheel drive types A Front engine, front wheel drive layout places both the engine and driven wheels at the front of the vehicle. This layout is… …   Wikipedia

  • Yellow-Striped Pygmy Eleuth — Taxobox name = Yellow Striped Pygmy Eleuth image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata subphylum = Vertebrata classis = Amphibia classis authority = Linnaeus, 1758 subclassis = Lissamphibia superordo = Salientia ordo = Anura ordo… …   Wikipedia

  • Sullivan Line — The Sullivan Line is the border between Missouri and Iowa.The line was initially created to establish the limits of Native American territory (they would not be permitted south of it); disputes over the boundary were to erupt into the Honey War;… …   Wikipedia

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