long-term drift

long-term drift
долговременный дрейф;
долговременный уход (параметра)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "long-term drift" в других словарях:

  • long-term drift — ilgalaikis slinkis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. long term drift vok. Langzeitdrift, f rus. долговременный дрейф, m pranc. dérive à long terme, f; dérive à vie longue, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Long-term stability — The long term stability of an oscillator, the degree of uniformity of frequency over time, when the frequency is measured under identical environmental conditions, such as supply voltage, load, and temperature. Long term frequency changes are… …   Wikipedia

  • Drift — may mean: Contents 1 Film and literature 2 Geography 3 Industry …   Wikipedia

  • Drift (linguistics) — There are two types of linguistic drift, a unidirectional short term and cyclic long term drift. Contents 1 Short term unidirectional drift 2 Long term cyclic drift 3 See also …   Wikipedia

  • Drift (telecommunication) — In telecommunication, a drift is a comparatively long term change in an attribute, value, or operational parameter of a system or equipment. The drift should be characterized, such as diurnal frequency drift and output level drift. Drift is… …   Wikipedia

  • dérive à long terme — ilgalaikis slinkis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. long term drift vok. Langzeitdrift, f rus. долговременный дрейф, m pranc. dérive à long terme, f; dérive à vie longue, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Drift fence — For the 1936 film, see Drift Fence. Drift fences were used in the Texas Panhandle from 1882 to 1887 to control cattle drift the winter migration of livestock to warmer territory. Long sections of barbed wire fence were built by ranchers to keep… …   Wikipedia

  • Longshore drift — (sometimes known as shore drift, LSD or littoral drift) is a geological process by which sediments such as sand or other materials, move along a beach shore.MechanismLongshore drift is the net movement of sand and other fine particles like shell… …   Wikipedia

  • Antigenic drift — Antigenic driftcite journal author=D. J. D. Earn, J. Dushoff, S. A. Levin journal=Trends in Ecology and Evolution title=Ecology and Evolution of the Flu date=2002 volume=17 pages=334 340] [cite book author=A. W. Hampson chapter=Influenza virus… …   Wikipedia

  • social drift — A term used in social epidemiology , referring to movement down the social scale consequent on long term sickness, which contributes to the of tnoted concentration of sick persons in the lower social groups. This downward mobility, which may be… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Stochastic drift — In probability theory, stochastic drift is the change of the average value of a stochastic (random) process. A related term is the drift rate which is the rate at which the average changes. This is in contrast to the random fluctuations about… …   Wikipedia

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