long-period variation

long-period variation
мат. длиннопериодная вариация

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "long-period variation" в других словарях:

  • long-period variable star — ▪ astronomy       any intrinsically variable star whose light fluctuations are fairly regular and require many months or several years to complete one cycle. They are, without exception, red giant and supergiant stars. Those in one fairly… …   Universalium

  • Period (gene) — period serina Identifiers Organism D. melanogaster Symbol per Entrez …   Wikipedia

  • Solar variation — Solar variations are changes in the amount of solar radiation emitted by the Sun. There are periodic components to these variations, the principal one being the 11 year solar cycle (or sunspot cycle), as well as aperiodic fluctuations. Solar… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical period hypothesis — The critical period hypothesis is the subject of a long standing debate in linguistics and language acquisition over the extent to which the ability to acquire language is biologically linked to age. The hypothesis claims that there is an ideal… …   Wikipedia

  • Silurian Period — Interval of geologic time, 443–417 million years ago. The third period of the Paleozoic Era, the Silurian follows the Ordovician Period and precedes the Devonian. It marks the first appearance of land plants and jawed fishes. The continents were… …   Universalium

  • Darwin from Orchids to Variation — The life and work of Charles Darwin from the publication of Orchids to the publication of Variation during the years between 1860 and 1868 continued with Darwin carrying out his research and experimentation on evolution as he worked sporadically… …   Wikipedia

  • Secular variation — The secular variation (or secular trend) of a time series is its long term non periodic variation, as opposed to its periodic variation. Of course, whether something is perceived as a secular variation or not depends on the available timescale:… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical Period Hypothesis — See also: Language acquisition#Critical Period hypothesis The Critical Period Hypothesis refers to a long standing debate in linguistics and language acquisition over the extent to which the ability to acquire language is biologically linked to… …   Wikipedia

  • Cambrian Period — Oldest time division of the Paleozoic Era. During the Cambrian, 543–490 million years ago, there were widespread seas and several scattered landmasses. The largest continent was Gondwana. The average climate was probably warmer than today, with… …   Universalium

  • Cretaceous Period — Interval of geologic time from с 144 to 65 million years ago. During the Cretaceous the climate was warmer than today. In the seas, marine invertebrates flourished, and bony fishes evolved. On land, flowering plants arose, and insects, bees in… …   Universalium

  • Miss Lucy Long — also known as Lucy Long and other variants, is an American song that was popularized in the blackface minstrel show. A comic banjo tune, the lyrics, written in exaggerated Black Vernacular English, tell of the courtship or marriage of the male s …   Wikipedia

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