long-distance service
Смотреть что такое "long-distance service" в других словарях:
long-distance — UK US /ˌlɒŋˈdɪstəns/ adjective [before noun] COMMUNICATIONS ► relating to services, especially telecommunications, that connect places that are long way from each other: long distance carrier/company/provider »Some long distance carriers are… … Financial and business terms
Long distance — in telecommunications, refers to telephone calls made outside a certain area, usually characterized by an area code outside of a local call area (known in the United States as a local access and transport area or LATA). Long distance calls… … Wikipedia
long-distance — ☆ long distance [lôŋ′dis′təns ] adj. 1. to or from a distant place or places [long distance telephone calls] 2. that covers a long distance [a long distance runner] adv. by long distance telephone service … English World dictionary
long-distance — long′ dis′tance adj. 1) tgp of, from, or between distant places: a long distance phone call[/ex] 2) for, over, or covering long distances: a long distance runner[/ex] 3) tgp by long distance telephone service: to call someone long distance[/ex] • … From formal English to slang
long distance — ☆ long distance n. a long distance telephone service … English World dictionary
long-distance paths and national trails — Walking, taking long walks in the countryside for pleasure, is a popular hobby in Britain, and many people go walking in national parks and other country areas at weekends. Walking is also called rambling (BrE) or hiking. Many routes go along… … Universalium
long distance regular service bus — tolimojo reguliariojo susisiekimo autobusas statusas Aprobuotas sritis kelių transportas apibrėžtis Autobusas, kuriuo keleiviai pagal patvirtintą tvarkaraštį vežami nustatytais ilgesniais kaip 50 km maršrutais daugiau kaip per dviejų savivaldybių … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
SBC Long Distance — Infobox Company company name = SBC Long Distance, LLC company company type = Holding of AT T foundation = 1996 location = San Antonio, Texas, USA industry = Telecommunications dba = AT T Long Distance homepage =… … Wikipedia
BellSouth Long Distance — Infobox Company company name = BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. foundation = 1996 company company type = Holding of AT T industry = Telecommunications products = Long distance dba = AT T Long Distance Service homepage =… … Wikipedia
long distance — long′ dis′tance n. tgp telephone service between distant places … From formal English to slang
long distance — telephone service between distant places. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium