long pig
Смотреть что такое "long pig" в других словарях:
long pig — “human being eaten as food,” 1848, in a Pacific Islander context: Bau literally stank for many days, human flesh having been cooked in every house, and the entrails thrown outside as food for pigs, or left to putrefy in the sun. The Somosomo… … Etymology dictionary
long pig — long′ pig′ n. ant human flesh as food for cannibals • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
long pig — n. human flesh or a human body as food for cannibals: from the Maori and Polynesian term … English World dictionary
long pig — noun : a human victim of a cannibal feast * * * (among the Maori and Polynesian peoples) human flesh as food for cannibals. [1850 55] * * * long pig noun (old) Human flesh as food for cannibals • • • Main Entry: ↑long * * * long pig, a human body … Useful english dictionary
long pig — human flesh The flesh of the human and the pig have a similar taste: The Fijian s chief table luxury was human flesh, euphemistically called by him long pig . (Theroux, 1992) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
long pig — noun Human flesh used by cannibals as meat. As a long pig! I exclaimed in surprise; why what does he mean by that? He means somethin very unpleasant, answered Bill with a frown … Wiktionary
long pig — /lɒŋ ˈpɪg/ (say long pig) noun human flesh, as formerly eaten by certain cannibalistic Polynesian peoples. {translation from a Polynesian language} …
long pig — (among the Maori and Polynesian peoples) human flesh as food for cannibals. [1850 55] * * * … Universalium
long pig — noun a translation of a term formerly used in some Pacific Islands for human flesh as food … English new terms dictionary
Pig-footed Bandicoot — Pig footed Bandicoot[1] Taxidermied specimen at Melbourne Museum Conservation status … Wikipedia
Long-tailed Goral — Long tailed Goral[1] Long tailed Goral at Saint Louis Zoo Conservation status … Wikipedia