long packet

long packet
длинный пакет

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "long packet" в других словарях:

  • Packet capture — is the act of capturing data packets crossing a computer network. Deep packet capture (DPC) is the act of capturing, at full network speed, complete network packets (header and payload) crossing a network with a high traffic rate. Once captured… …   Wikipedia

  • packet-switching — packet .switching n a method of sending information stored on a computer, usually across the Internet. Long messages are broken into pieces and put together again when they are received …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Long-tail traffic — This article covers a range of tools from different disciplines that may be used in the important science of determining the probability of rare events. The terms long range dependent , self similar and heavy tailed are very close in meaning.… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet (information technology) — In information technology, a packet is a formatted unit of data carried by a packet mode computer network. Computer communications links that do not support packets, such as traditional point to point telecommunications links, simply transmit… …   Wikipedia

  • Long-range dependency — A self similar phenomenon behaves the same when viewed at different degrees of magnification, or different scales on a dimension (space or time). Self similar processes can be described using heavy tailed distributions, also known as long tailed… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet switched network — A Packet Switched Network, or PSN, refers to the packet switched networks that existed before the Internet. The history of such networks can be divided into three eras:early networks before the introduction of X.25 and OSI,the X.25 era when many… …   Wikipedia

  • packet switching —    A data transmission method that simultaneously routes and transmits data packets from many customers over a communications channel or telephone line, thus optimizing use of the line.    An addressed packet is routed from node to node until it… …   Dictionary of networking

  • packet switching —    Process where long messages are broken down into small units called packets that are individually addressed and routed through the network; the channel is occupied only for the duration of the packet and is then available for the transfer of… …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Long Term Evolution — Samsung LTE Modem LTE (Long Term Evolution), auch als 4G bezeichnet, ist ein neuer Mobilfunkstandard und zukünftiger UMTS Nachfolger, der mit bis zu 100 Megabit pro Sekunde deutlich höhere Downloadraten erreichen kann. Das Grundschema von UMTS… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Long Term Prediction — In GSM, a RPE LTP(Regular Pulse Excitation Long Term Prediction) scheme is employed in order to reduce the amount of data sent between the Mobile station and Base Transceiver Station.In essence, when a voltage level of a particular speech sample… …   Wikipedia

  • packet-switching — noun (C) a method of sending data (=information stored on a computer) on telephone lines, that breaks long messages into pieces and puts them together again when they are received …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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