long flame
Смотреть что такое "long flame" в других словарях:
Flame angelfish — Conservation status Least Concern ( … Wikipedia
Flame Bowerbird — Conservation status Least Concern … Wikipedia
Flame-throated Warbler — Conservation status Least Concern ( … Wikipedia
Flame Resistant Organizational Gear — or FROG is United States Marine Corps clothing designed to reduce the number of injuries resulting from fire and flash, due to the increased use of IEDs in the Iraq War. [cite web |url=http://www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/sites/pmice/News/Clothing/Fir… … Wikipedia
flame tetra — flame tetra, a tropical fish of the upper Amazon region, about two inches long, yellow in front, and bright red in back; red tetra … Useful english dictionary
Flame-bladed sword — A flame bladed sword or wave bladed sword has a characteristically undulating style of blade. The wave in the blade is often considered to contribute a flame like quality to the appearance of a sword. While largely decorative, some attributes of… … Wikipedia
Flame scallop — taxobox name = Flame scallop image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Bivalvia subclassis = Pteriomorphia ordo = Limoida familia = Limidae genus = Lima species = L. scabra binomial = Lima scabra binomial authority = Born … Wikipedia
Flame Skimmer — Taxobox name = Flame Skimmer image width = 250px image caption = Male Flame Skimmer regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Odonata subordo = Anisoptera familia = Libellulidae genus = Libellula species = L. saturata… … Wikipedia
flame thrower — ▪ weapon military assault weapon that projects a stream of blazing oil or thickened gasoline against enemy positions. As used in World War II and later wars it consisted basically of one or more fuel tanks, a cylinder of compressed gas to… … Universalium
flame flower — noun 1. a plant of the genus Kniphofia having long grasslike leaves and tall scapes of red or yellow drooping flowers • Syn: ↑kniphofia, ↑tritoma, ↑flame flower, ↑flameflower • Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant … Useful english dictionary
flame-flower — noun 1. a plant of the genus Kniphofia having long grasslike leaves and tall scapes of red or yellow drooping flowers • Syn: ↑kniphofia, ↑tritoma, ↑flame flower, ↑flameflower • Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant … Useful english dictionary