- long array
1. длинная расстановка;
длинная группа
2. дальняя (от пункта взрыва) сейсмическая коса
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Array — Ar*ray , n. [OE. arai, arrai, OF. arrai, arrei, arroi, order, arrangement, dress, F. arroi; a (L. ad) + OF. rai, rei, roi, order, arrangement, fr. G. or Scand.; cf. Goth. raidjan, garaidjan, to arrange, MHG. gereiten, Icel. rei[eth]i rigging,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Long base line sonar — Long Base Line, commonly referred to as LBL, is a method of acoustic positioning commonly used in deep water (water depth of greater than 3000 feet). A typical LBL positioning system consists of a transceiver and several beacons arranged into a… … Wikipedia
Long non-coding RNA — Long noncoding RNAs (long ncRNAs) are generally considered (somewhat arbitrarily) as non protein coding transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides. This limit is due to practical considerations including the separation of RNAs in common experimental … Wikipedia
Long Baseline — (LBL) ist ein Unterwassernavigationssystem, das auf Wasserschall basiert. Dazu werden am Meeresboden an definierten Positionen mehrere Hydrophone abgesetzt, ein sog. Array. Das Objekt, dessen Position bestimmt werden soll (i. d. R. ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Long Latin American Millimeter Array — Este artículo o sección se refiere o está relacionado con una obra arquitectónica futura o en desarrollo. La información de este artículo puede cambiar frecuentemente. Por favor, no agregues datos especulativos y recuerda colocar referencias a… … Wikipedia Español
Commission of array — Array Ar*ray , n. [OE. arai, arrai, OF. arrai, arrei, arroi, order, arrangement, dress, F. arroi; a (L. ad) + OF. rai, rei, roi, order, arrangement, fr. G. or Scand.; cf. Goth. raidjan, garaidjan, to arrange, MHG. gereiten, Icel. rei[eth]i… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To challenge the array — Array Ar*ray , n. [OE. arai, arrai, OF. arrai, arrei, arroi, order, arrangement, dress, F. arroi; a (L. ad) + OF. rai, rei, roi, order, arrangement, fr. G. or Scand.; cf. Goth. raidjan, garaidjan, to arrange, MHG. gereiten, Icel. rei[eth]i… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Long Parliament — The Long Parliament is the name of the English Parliament called by Charles I, on 3 November 1640, [This article uses the Julian calendar with the start of year adjusted to 1 January (For a more detailed explanation, see )] following the Bishops… … Wikipedia
Long Range Desert Group — The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) was a British Army unit during World War II. The unit was founded in Egypt, following the Italian declaration of war in June 1940, by Major Ralph A. Bagnold with the assistance of Captains Patrick Clayton and… … Wikipedia
Long range acoustic device — The long range acoustic device (LRAD) is a crowd control and hailing device developed by American Technology Corporation.According to the manufacturer s specifications, the equipment weighs 45 pounds (20 kg) and can emit sound in a 30° beam (only … Wikipedia
Cell-free protein array — technology produces protein microarrays by performing in vitro synthesis of the target proteins from their DNA templates. This method of synthesizing protein microarrays overcomes the many obstacles and challenges faced by traditional methods of… … Wikipedia