- lognormal population
- мат. (генеральная) совокупность, имеющая логарифмически нормальное распределение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Log-normal distribution — Probability distribution name =Log normal type =density pdf μ=0 cdf μ=0 parameters =sigma > 0 infty < mu < infty support = [0,+infty)! pdf =frac{1}{xsigmasqrt{2piexpleft [ frac{left(ln(x) mu ight)^2}{2sigma^2} ight] cdf =frac{1}{2}+frac{1}{2}… … Wikipedia
Occupancy frequency distribution — In macroecology and community ecology, an occupancy frequency distribution (OFD) is the distribution of the numbers of species occupying different numbers of areas.[1] It was first reported in 1918 by the Danish botanist Christen C. Raunkiær in… … Wikipedia
Probability plot correlation coefficient plot — Many statistical analyses are based on distributional assumptions about the population from which the data have been obtained. However, distributional families can have radically different shapes depending on the value of the shape parameter.… … Wikipedia
distribution — 1. The passage of the branches of arteries or nerves to the tissues and organs. 2. The area in which the branches of an artery or a nerve terminate, or the area supplied by such an artery or nerve. 3. The relative numbers of individuals in each… … Medical dictionary
Radon — This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Radon (disambiguation). astatine ← radon → francium Xe ↑ Rn ↓ Uuo … Wikipedia
Power law — A power law is any polynomial relationship that exhibits the property of scale invariance. The most common power laws relate two variables and have the form:f(x) = ax^k! +o(x^k),where a and k are constants, and o(x^k) is of x. Here, k is… … Wikipedia
Species-area curve — The species area relationship for a contiguous habitat In ecology, a species area curve is a relationship between the area of a habitat, or of part of a habitat, and the number of species found within that area. Larger areas tend to contain… … Wikipedia
List of statistics topics — Please add any Wikipedia articles related to statistics that are not already on this list.The Related changes link in the margin of this page (below search) leads to a list of the most recent changes to the articles listed below. To see the most… … Wikipedia
Mixture model — See also: Mixture distribution In statistics, a mixture model is a probabilistic model for representing the presence of sub populations within an overall population, without requiring that an observed data set should identify the sub population… … Wikipedia
Sudden infant death syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 R95 ICD 9 798.0 … Wikipedia
Mixed logit — is a fully general statistical model for examining discrete choices. The motivation for the mixed logit model arises from the limitations of the standard logit model. The standard logit model has three primary limitations, which mixed logit… … Wikipedia