logical notion

logical notion
логическое понятие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "logical notion" в других словарях:

  • Logical implication — In logic and mathematics, logical implication is a logical relation that holds between a set T of formulae and a formula B when every model (or interpretation or valuation) of T is also a model of B . In symbols,# T models B, # T Rightarrow B # T …   Wikipedia

  • Logical consequence — Therefore redirects here. For the symbol, see therefore sign. Logical consequence is a fundamental concept in logic. It is the relation that holds between a set of sentences (or propositions) and a sentence (proposition) when the former entails… …   Wikipedia

  • Logical Unit Number — Un LUN (Logical Unit Number) désigne, dans le domaine du stockage informatique, le numéro d unité logique d un équipement SCSI. Par extension cet acronyme désigne également le numéro d identification d une unité de stockage SAN. Bien que LUN… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Logical symbols — Reading logical symbolism frightens many people more than it should. The very term symbolic logic sounds terrifying, and the presence of even a small amount of symbolism may deter many readers from otherwise perfectly intelligible texts. The… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • LF (logical framework) — In type theory, the LF logical framework provides a means to define (or present) logics. It is based on a general treatment of syntax, rules and proofs by means of a dependently typed lambda calculus. Syntax is treated in a style similar to, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensory Logical Extrovert — The Sensory Logical Extrovert, SLE, ESTp, the Conqueror, Georgy Zhukov, or types. The Sensory Logical Extrovert is an irrational, extroverted, static type whose leading functions are extroverted sensing and introverted logic.Model A Ego block 1.… …   Wikipedia

  • Shader (realtime, logical) — A shader is essentially a computer programAccording to [http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl sample/registry/ARB/vertex program.txt ARB vertex program] a shader (specifically to vertex shaders, which are called programs in this context) is a sequence… …   Wikipedia

  • logic, history of — Introduction       the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic       There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher …   Universalium

  • Aristotle’s logic and metaphysics — Alan Code PART 1: LOGICAL WORKS OVERVIEW OF ARISTOTLE’S LOGIC The Aristotelian logical works are referred to collectively using the Greek term ‘Organon’. This is a reflection of the idea that logic is a tool or instrument of, though not… …   History of philosophy

  • Leibniz: truth, knowledge and metaphysics — Nicholas Jolley Leibniz is in important respects the exception among the great philosophers of the seventeenth century. The major thinkers of the period characteristically proclaim the need to reject the philosophical tradition; in their… …   History of philosophy

  • Polytonality — The musical use of more than one key simultaneously is polytonality. Bitonality is the use of only two different keys at the same time.A well known, controversial example is the fanfare at the beginning of the second tableau of Igor Stravinsky s… …   Wikipedia

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