logical definition

logical definition
мат. логическое определение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "logical definition" в других словарях:

  • Logical positivism — (also known as logical empiricism, scientific philosophy, and neo positivism) is a philosophy that combines empiricism the idea that observational evidence is indispensable for knowledge with a version of rationalism incorporating mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • Logical truth — is one of the most fundamental concepts in logic, and there are different theories on its nature. A logical truth is a statement which is true and remains true under all reinterpretations of its components other than its logical constants. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Logical Block Addressing —  Cet article concerne la méthode d’adressage informatique. Pour d’autres sens de l’abréviation, voir LBA. L’adressage en LBA (abréviation de Logical Block Addressing en anglais soit « Adressage par bloc logique » en français) est… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Logical block addressing — (LBA) is a common scheme used for specifying the location of blocks of data stored on computer storage devices, generally secondary storage systems such as hard disks. The term LBA can mean either the address or the block to which it refers.… …   Wikipedia

  • Definition — Def i*ni tion, n. [L. definitio: cf. F. d[ e]finition.] 1. The act of defining; determination of the limits; as, a telescope accurate in definition. [1913 Webster] 2. Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Definition — For other uses, see Definition (disambiguation). A definition is a passage that explains the meaning of a term (a word, phrase or other set of symbols), or a type of thing. The term to be defined is the definiendum. A term may have many different …   Wikipedia

  • Logical disjunction — Disjunction redirects here. For separation of chromosomes, see Meiosis. For disjunctions in distribution, see Disjunct distribution. Venn diagram of the logical disjunction of A and B …   Wikipedia

  • Logical implication — In logic and mathematics, logical implication is a logical relation that holds between a set T of formulae and a formula B when every model (or interpretation or valuation) of T is also a model of B . In symbols,# T models B, # T Rightarrow B # T …   Wikipedia

  • Logical connective — This article is about connectives in classical logic. For connectors in natural languages, see discourse connective. For connectives and operators in other logics, see logical constant. For other logical symbols, see table of logic symbols. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Logical conjunction — ∧ redirects here. For exterior product, see exterior algebra. Venn diagram of …   Wikipedia

  • Logical equality — For the corresponding concept in combinational logic, see XNOR gate. XNOR Logic Gate Symbol Logical equality is a logical operator that corresponds to equality in Boolean algebra and to the logical biconditional in propositional calculus. It… …   Wikipedia

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