logic term

logic term
булев [логический] терм, булев [логический] член;
логический элемент (структуры)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "logic term" в других словарях:

  • Term logic — In philosophy, term logic, also known as traditional logic, is a loose name for the way of doing logic that began with Aristotle, and that was dominant until the advent of modern predicate logic in the late nineteenth century.This entry is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic — • A historical survey from Indian and Pre Aristotelian philosophy to the Logic of John Stuart Mill Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Logic     Logic      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Logic redundancy — occurs in a a digital gate network containing circuitry that does not affect the static logic function. There are several reasons why logic redundancy may exist. One reason is that it may have been added deliberately to suppress transient… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic Theorist — is a computer program written in 1955 and 1956 by Alan Newell, Herbert Simon and J. C. Shaw. It was the first program deliberately engineered to mimic the problem solving skills of a human being and is called the first artificial intelligence… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic in Islamic philosophy — Logic (Arabic: Mantiq ) played an important role in early Islamic philosophy. Islamic law placed importance on formulating standards of argument, which gave rise to a novel approach to logic in Kalam, as seen in the method of qiyas . This… …   Wikipedia

  • Term — Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Term fee — Term Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Logic and the philosophy of mathematics in the nineteenth century — John Stillwell INTRODUCTION In its history of over two thousand years, mathematics has seldom been disturbed by philosophical disputes. Ever since Plato, who is said to have put the slogan ‘Let no one who is not a geometer enter here’ over the… …   History of philosophy

  • LOGIC — (Heb. חָכְמַת הַדִּבּוּר or מְלֶאכֶת הַהִגַּיוֹן), the study of the principles governing correct reasoning and demonstration. The term logic, according to Maimonides, is used in three senses: to refer to the rational faculty, the intelligible in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Logic analyzer — A logic analyzer is an electronic instrument which displays signals in a digital circuit. A logic analyzer may convert the captured data into timing diagrams, protocol decodes, state machine traces, assembly language, or correlate assembly with… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic optimization — a part of logic synthesis, is the process of finding an equivalent representation of the specified logic circuit under one or more specified constraints. Generally the circuit is constrained to minimum chip area meeting a prespecified delay.… …   Wikipedia

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