logic of norms

logic of norms
мат. логика норм

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "logic of norms" в других словарях:

  • logic, philosophy of — Philosophical study of the nature and scope of logic. Examples of questions raised in the philosophy of logic are: In virtue of what features of reality are the laws of logic true? ; How do we know the truths of logic? ; and Could the laws of… …   Universalium

  • Mill, John Stuart: Logic and metaphysics — J.S.Mill Logic and metaphysics John Skorupski ENLIGHTENMENT AND ROMANTICISM IN MILL’S PHILOSOPHY Mill’s importance as one of the major figures of nineteenth century politics and culture, and the current interest in him as a moral and political… …   History of philosophy

  • Monoidal t-norm logic — Monoidal t norm based logic (or shortly MTL), the logic of left continuous t norms, is one of t norm fuzzy logics. It belongs to the broader class of substructural logics, or logics of residuated lattices;[1] it extends the logic of commutative… …   Wikipedia

  • Construction of t-norms — In mathematics, t norms are a special kind of binary operations on the real unit interval [0, 1]. Various constructions of t norms, either by explicit definition or by transformation from previously known functions, provide a plenitude of… …   Wikipedia

  • Deontic logic — is the field of logic that is concerned with obligation, permission, and related concepts. Alternatively, a deontic logic is a formal system that attempts to capture the essential logical features of these concepts. Typically, a deontic logic… …   Wikipedia

  • Informal logic — (or, occasionally, non formal logic) is the study of arguments as presented in ordinary language, as contrasted with the presentations of arguments in an artificial, formal, or technical language (see formal logic ). Informal logic emerged in… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal logic — is a type of formal logic that extends classical propositional and predicate logic to include operators expressing modality. Modals words that express modalities qualify a statement. For example, the statement John is happy might be qualified by… …   Wikipedia

  • Paraconsistent logic — A paraconsistent logic is a logical system that attempts to deal with contradictions in a discriminating way. Alternatively, paraconsistent logic is the subfield of logic that is concerned with studying and developing paraconsistent (or… …   Wikipedia

  • BL (logic) — Basic fuzzy Logic (or shortly BL), the logic of continuous t norms, is one of t norm fuzzy logics. It belongs to the broader class of substructural logics, or logics of residuated lattices;Ono (2003).] it extends the logic of all left continuous… …   Wikipedia

  • Dominant logic — relates to the main means a company uses to make a profit. In essence, it is an interpretation of how a company has succeeded. It describes the cultural norms and beliefs that the company espouses. Dominant logic can be useful when applied to… …   Wikipedia

  • МОДАЛЬНАЯ ЛОГИКА — раздел логики, в котором исследуются логические связи модальных высказываний, т.е. высказываний, включающих модальности. Мл. слагается из ряда направлений, каждое из которых занимается модальными высказываниями определенного типа. В современной М …   Философская энциклопедия

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