logic address
Смотреть что такое "logic address" в других словарях:
Address Book — Разработчик Apple Inc. Операционная система … Википедия
Logic Pro — Logic 8 Developer(s) Apple Inc. Stable release 9.1.5 / 2011 08 08 Operating system … Wikipedia
Logic Pro — Тип Секвенсоры, Аудиоредакторы Разработчик … Википедия
logic, history of — Introduction the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher … Universalium
Logic level — In digital circuits, a logic level is one of a finite number of states that a signal can have. Logic levels are usually represented by the voltage difference between the signal and ground (or some other common reference point), although other… … Wikipedia
Address decoder — In digital electronics, an Address decoder is a circuit that has two or more bits of an address bus as inputs and that has one or more device selection lines as outputs. When the address for a particular device appears on the address bus, the… … Wikipedia
Address Generation Unit — DSP Grafikchip Ein Digitaler Signalprozessor (engl. digital signal processor, DSP) dient der kontinuierlichen Bearbeitung von digitalen Signalen (z. B. Audio oder Videosignale) durch die Digitale Signalverarbeitung. Zur Verarbeitung von analogen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hegel’s logic and philosophy of mind — Willem deVries LOGIC AND MIND IN HEGEL’S PHILOSOPHY Hegel is above all a systematic philosopher. Awe inspiring in its scope, his philosophy left no subject untouched. Logic provides the central, unifying framework as well as the general… … History of philosophy
Programmable logic device — A programmable logic device or PLD is an electronic component used to build reconfigurable digital circuits. Unlike a logic gate, which has a fixed function, a PLD has an undefined function at the time of manufacture. Before the PLD can be used… … Wikipedia
Glue logic — In electronics, glue logic is the custom electronic circuitry needed to achieve compatible interfaces between two (or more) different off the shelf integrated circuits. This is often achieved with a few cheap 7400 or 4000 components, or, in more… … Wikipedia
History of logic — Philosophy ( … Wikipedia