loggerhead turtle
Смотреть что такое "loggerhead turtle" в других словарях:
loggerhead turtle — noun very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas • Syn: ↑loggerhead, ↑Caretta caretta • Hypernyms: ↑sea turtle, ↑marine turtle • Member Holonyms: ↑Caretta, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
loggerhead turtle — a sea turtle, Caretta caretta, having a large head: now greatly reduced in number. Also called loggerhead. [1650 60] * * * … Universalium
loggerhead turtle — noun A large, carnivorous, marine turtle, Caretta caretta, found in warm seas … Wiktionary
loggerhead turtle — log′gerhead tur′tle n. ram a large sea turtle, Caretta caretta, having a large head and a rounded carapace • Etymology: 1650–60 … From formal English to slang
loggerhead — [lôg′ər hed΄, läg′ər hed΄] n. [dial. logger, heavy block of wood (< LOG1) + HEAD] 1. a long handled tool with a ball, or bulb, at the end, used when heated to melt tar, heat liquids, etc. 2. any of a genus (Caretta, family Cheloniidae) of sea… … English World dictionary
Loggerhead Sea Turtle — Taxobox name = Loggerhead Sea Turtle status = EN status system = iucn3.1 image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida subclassis = Anapsida ordo = Testudines familia = Cheloniidae genus = Caretta genus authority =… … Wikipedia
loggerhead — noun 1》 (also loggerhead turtle) a large headed reddish brown turtle of warm seas. [Caretta caretta.] 2》 archaic a foolish person. Phrases at loggerheads in violent dispute or disagreement. [perh. a use of loggerhead in the 17th cent. sense long… … English new terms dictionary
loggerhead — /ˈlɒgəhɛd / (say loguhhed) noun 1. → loghead. 2. Also, loggerhead turtle. a large headed marine turtle, Caretta caretta, of all oceans. 3. Also, loggerhead shrike. a common North American butcherbird, Lanius ludovicianus, grey above, white below …
loggerhead — loggerheaded, adj. /law geuhr hed , log euhr /, n. 1. a thick headed or stupid person; blockhead. 2. See loggerhead turtle. 3. See loggerhead shrike. 4. a ball or bulb of iron with a long handle, used, after being heated, to melt tar, heat… … Universalium
loggerhead — log•ger•head [[t]ˈlɔ gərˌhɛd, ˈlɒg ər [/t]] n. 1) a thick headed or stupid person; blockhead 2) ram loggerhead turtle 3) orn loggerhead shrike 4) mel a ball or bulb of iron with a long handle, used, after being heated, to melt tar, heat liquids,… … From formal English to slang
Loggerhead — may refer to:* Loggerhead Sea Turtle, the most common sea turtle to nest in the United States * Loggerhead Shrike, a passerine bird, the only member of the shrike family endemic to North America * USS Loggerhead (SS 374), a Balao class submarine … Wikipedia