logarithmic law

logarithmic law
мат. логарифмический закон

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "logarithmic law" в других словарях:

  • Logarithmic scale — A logarithmic scale is a scale of measurement that uses the logarithm of a physical quantity instead of the quantity itself. Presentation of data on a logarithmic scale can be helpful when the data covers a large range of values ndash; the… …   Wikipedia

  • Logarithmic video amplifier — A logarithmic video amplifier or LVA is typically part of radar and electronic countermeasures microwave systems and sonar navigation systems, used to convert a very large dynamic range input power to an output voltage that increases… …   Wikipedia

  • Logarithmic derivative — In mathematics, specifically in calculus and complex analysis, the logarithmic derivative of a function f is defined by the formula where f ′ is the derivative of f. When f is a function f(x) of a real variable x, and takes real, strictly… …   Wikipedia

  • Logarithmic spiral — Spiral Spi ral, n. [Cf. F. spirale. See {Spiral}, a.] 1. (Geom.) A plane curve, not re[ e]ntrant, described by a point, called the generatrix, moving along a straight line according to a mathematical law, while the line is revolving about a fixed …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • law — 1. A principle or rule. 2. A statement of fact detailing a sequence or relation of phenomena that is invariable under given conditions. SEE ALSO: principle, rule, theorem. [A.S. lagu] Alexander l. states that a jerky nystagmus becomes worse when… …   Medical dictionary

  • logarithmic — logarithmically, adv. /law geuh ridh mik, rith , log euh /, adj. Math. 1. pertaining to a logarithm or logarithms. 2. (of an equation) having a logarithm as one or more of its unknowns. 3. (of a function) a. pertaining to the function y = logx. b …   Universalium

  • Classen's law — Claasen s logarithmic law of usefulness[1] is named after technologist Theo A. C. M. Claasen, who introduced the idea in 1999 when he was CTO of Philips Semiconductors: Usefulness = log(Technology) The law can also be expressed as: Technology =… …   Wikipedia

  • Weber–Fechner law — The Weber–Fechner law attempts to describe the relationship between the physical magnitudes of stimuli and the perceived intensity of the stimuli. Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795–1878) was one of the first people to approach the study of the human… …   Wikipedia

  • List of logarithmic identities — In mathematics, there are several logarithmic identities. Contents 1 Algebraic identities or laws 1.1 Trivial identities 1.2 Canceling exponentials 1.3 …   Wikipedia

  • Power law — A power law is any polynomial relationship that exhibits the property of scale invariance. The most common power laws relate two variables and have the form:f(x) = ax^k! +o(x^k),where a and k are constants, and o(x^k) is of x. Here, k is… …   Wikipedia

  • Moore's law — Plot of CPU transistor counts against dates of introduction. Note the logarithmic vertical scale; the line corresponds to exponential growth with transistor count doubling every two years …   Wikipedia

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